Thursday, January 26, 2012



1. The Fossil Record...Evolutionists have constructed the Geologic Column in order to illustrate the supposed progression of "primitive" life forms to "more complex" systems we observe today. Yet, "since only a small percentage of the earth's surface obeys even a portion of the geologic column the claim of their having taken place to form a continuum of rock/life/time over the earth is therefore a fantastic and imaginative contrivance.1" "[T]he lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled."2 This supposed column is actually saturated with "polystrate fossils" (fossils extending from one geologic layer to another) that tie all the layers to one time-frame. "[T]o the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation." 3

2. Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field... Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso, has published the definitive work in this field.4 Scientific observations since 1829 have shown that the earth's magnetic field has been measurably decaying at an exponential rate, demonstrating its half-life to be approximately 1,400 years. In practical application its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Under those conditions many of the atoms necessary for life processes could not form. These data demonstrate that earth's entire history is young, within a few thousand of years.

3. The Global Flood... The Biblical record clearly describes a global Flood during Noah's day. Additionally, there are hundreds of Flood traditions handed down through cultures all over the world. 5 M.E. Clark and Henry Voss have demonstrated the scientific validity of such a Flood providing the sedimentary layering we see on every continent. 6 Secular scholars report very rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers..7 It is now possible to prove the historical reality of the Biblical Flood.8

4. Population Statistics...World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. 9 The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.

5. Radio Halos...Physicist Robert Gentry has reported isolated radio halos of polonuim-214 in crystalline granite. The half-life of this element is 0.000164 seconds! To record the existence of this element in such short time span, the granite must be in crystalline state instantaneously.10 This runs counter to evolutionary estimates of 300 million years for granite to form.

6. Human Artifacts throughout the Geologic Column...Man-made artifacts - such as the hammer in Cretaceous rock, a human sandal print with trilobite in Cambrian rock, human footprints and a handprint in Cretaceous rock 鈥?point to the fact that all the supposed geologic periods actually occurred at the same time in the recent past.11

7. Helium Content in Earth's Atmosphere... Physicist Melvin Cook, Nobel Prize medalist found that helium-4 enters our atmosphere from solar wind and radioactive decay of uranium. At present rates our atmosphere would accumulate current helium-4 amounts in less than 10,000 years.12

8. Expansion of Space Fabric...Astronomical estimates of the distance to various galaxies gives conflicting data.13 The Biblical Record refers to the expansion of space by the Creator14. Astrophysicist Russell Humphries demonstrates that such space expansion would dilate time in distant space.15 This could explain a recent creation with great distances to the stars.

9. Design in Living Systems...A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations. A minimal cell contains over 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations.16 The chance of this assemblage occurring by chance is 1 in 10 4,478,296 .17

10. Design in the Human Brain...The human brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe.18 It contains over 100 billion cells, each with over 50,000 neuron connections to other brain cells.19 This structure receives over 100 million separate signals from the total human body every second. If we learned something new every second of our lives, it would take three million years to exhaust the capacity of the human brain. 20 In addition to conscious thought, people can actually reason, anticipate consequences, and devise plans - all without knowing they are doing so.21Evolution,?
I enjoyed reading this but you just confused the crap out of the atheist, they'll say its a fairy tale or something.

All of it makes sense and is very accurate but I feel that the earth flooded around 3000BC and Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden around 4000BC. Science proves the flood because of salt deposits found in the Great pyramid which was built by Seth the son of Adam.

I do believe some people actually evolved here before God created Adam and Eve because Cain was in fear of the others when he was banished.
Do you really think Im gonna read all that lolEvolution,?
Jesus loves you.
yup and whats your question
I agree with you. To ignore the flaws in evolution is to ignore it is a Religion and nothing more.
Wow, it must have took you a long time to study geography, physics, archaeology, chemistry, astronomy, and neurology all well enough to state that those fields of study are all entirely phony.
Is this a true/false or a multiple choice question?
Blah, blah, blah, just because you can copy information rom a book doesn't make ANY of it true. Think for yourself why dontcha!
If you spent the time you spent cutting and pasting that phony science studing real science you would gain respect for that which you mock and don't understand.

Ok let's deal with number 9.

The chance of getting any particular bridge hand is one in millions. Does that mean that nobody has ever gotten a bridge hand before?

What a wonderful God.鈥?/a>
There a question in there somewhere?

Looks like you lifted this straight off Answers in Genesis (now there's an oxymoron) or some other Liars for Jesus website.

How about you ask a question in your own words, or try and explain any of the above 10 points in your own words? My prediction is that you can't, because you don't understand enough of the basic science, but think you can fool me by cutting and pasting the pseudoscientific claims of creationists.

And tell me, why won't god heal amputees?
Wow, 20 proofs that you don't understand the first thing about scientific techniques, dating, equilibrium chemistry, neurology, or information theory.

Good job.

Did you want your BS to read "BS in Idiocy" or "BS in Stupidity"?
Do you believe everything Dr. Dino tells you? Including the part where he didn't cheat on his taxes? The IRS say differently. His science is just as shady as his accounting. DON'T BE GULLIBLE, think for yourself, its not hard, after all "God" gave you a brain - so why are you afraid to use it . . .?
Wow! I can't believe are really an idiot! Just to let you know...ALL of what you stated as fact has been debunked years ago. Halos...ha give me a break.

Seriously it really is sad that this same pseudo-science crap is stated as fact again and again.

Anyone can find out that all of these "facts" are not taken seriously by 99.9% of the scientific community.

Sorry, but you are 100% wrong all all points.
Yep, but you can tell 'em until your blue in the face, it will do no good. Their god is evolution and they are hardened to that fact. No matter what truths are put in front of their face.
So many lies, distortions and half truths in one post. Congratulations on your mastery of bronze age science!

Before you get your skull drilled to release the demons, go back and retake 3rd grade sceince class wherein we learned that the Earth's magnetic field decays then reverses repeatedly. The earth's geologic record shows this field reversal has happened many times and will undoubtedly happen again many times.
WTF? Are you looking for someone too join your cause or are you way bored? In either case you should know that your generation and subsequent generations will get to the root of the matter. Your generation questions everything and that is totally healthy for our species. We need to move away from traditional man made thoughts and progress into more evidence based philosophies even if our grandparents don't like it. Basically, there is a GREAT possibility of a

'higher power" in the universe but at this point in time very few of us on this planet can fathom it because most still haven't accepted the fact that the world is round and not flat. Good Luck
WTF? ok just the first 2. evolution is powered by selective mutation favoured by sexual reproduction. when there is a favourable mutation this spreads rapidly through sex. at all other times things can rest stable for long periods. this is called "punctuated equilibrium" look at sharks, they haven't changed for millions of years, no advantage in any mutations. know look at elephants; in the last 150 years we've hunted the s**t out of them and now whole breeding groups of elephants are being born and growing to maturity without tusks! a favourable mutation that is spreading through the elephant population!

2.. as for the magnetic field, ALL geological data show that the feild reverses every 20,000 years or so... FACT! look it up! it's happening as i write!
I'm very happy that you've learned how to copy and paste. The real question is do you understand what you've just "wrote".

First of all do you have a link to any of this information to prove it?

Such as, how can you prove the average rate of human population growth? I mean today you have a number of diseases cured and under control, an abundance of food in most parts of the world, better, healthier living conditions, extended life-spans, etc. so how does one calculate an "average" human population growth rate?

If you post any links, let me know.
Your arguments are so moronic as to be laughable but you forgot a very similar one. The Current Temperature outside is about 65 degrees Farenheit. Last July at this time it was 85 degrees Farenheit. Extrapolating Backwards we can see that in February the Temperature was 135 degrees, beyond which we could not have survived proving mankind is no more than 7 months old. This is the typical moronic creationist argument, take something which varies like the magnetic field. Assume it doesn't, then extrapolate and reach an absurdity.

The fact in every case above there is a simple scientific explaination which you ignored proves you are not only an imbecile, but dishonest as well.

Is your god more or less complex than an amoeba. If it is less complex it couldn't have created reality. If it is more complex then your 9th argument shows is is much too complex to exist.

Thank you for proving god either doesn't exist or didn't create reality.
Go to
I don't know what you're trying to say, but I agree that evolution is a fact because, unlike creationism, there is so much factual and physical evidence supporting it. Vestigial features disprove intelligent design!
Yea. well wrong again! Scientists have no reason to try to prove the existence of God, but neither do they have a reason to manufacture reasons why the Bible is wrong. You can find a few crackpot scientists that will support any and every crackpot theory.

In the United States 97% of people have religous views of one kind or another, nevertheless the sciences stand firm because they are the most rational explanations that we have. Mainstream science has no agenda to include or exclude God from the universe but just because a few nuts are willing to reverse the process and start with a conclusion then look for

statistics which tend to agree with the conclusions disregarding all the facts doesn't mean that we all need to be so single minded.

If you are willing to stake your life on your belief, don't go to a physician when you get sick...just go to your's as simple as that...oh no . that's right...that would be testing God...guess you'll just have to rely on the medical profession which is built on facts discovered by people who could have been burned at the stake if people like you had gotten to them. Circular arguments and having it both truly are blessed.
1. NO THIS IS COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIES. The geological column is based on the principle of superposition to start with.

2. The earths magnetic field has decayed and flipped many times in the earths history. It's called paleomagnetism - look it up.

3. hahahahahahahaha

4. Ok so then the pyramids were build by 12 people, during the time of moses there were a grand total 726 people in the world, need I go on. What has the rate in recent times got to do with the rate in the past!! we have AGRICULTURE now to start with...

5. Polonium forms from the decay of radon. Since radon is a gas, it can migrate through small cracks in the minerals. Also the physicist didn't really sample granite but calcite!!! - look it up, I did in a second, it' not hard.

6. NO!! The hammer was encrusted with calcite which can happen in years or decades - it wasn't in the rock!!!

7. Helium escapes the atmosphere ALL THE TIME - look it up %26lt;sigh%26gt;

8. Oh it COULD be consistent with what the bible says COULD it... where exactly COULD the bible say this??

9. Nobody knows what the most primitive cells looked like. All the cells around today are the product of BILLIONS of years of evolution. Self-replicating molecules need not be all that complex (Lee et al. 1996), and protein-building systems can also be simple (Ball 2001; Tamura and Schimmel 2001). - I can cut and past too!

10. Complexity only indicates that something is difficult to understand, not that it is difficult to evolve. There are innumerable intermediate forms of brains between humans and brainless animals; gradual evolution of the brain presents no challenge.

Congratulations, after 9 points about other branches of SCIENCE, you finally got to one about evolution!!!!

Why don't you just have FAITH in your beliefs - isn't that supposed to be how it works - and stop your immoral peddling of deceptions about science.

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