Thursday, January 26, 2012

You think some people voted for Obama so that the nation could wake up from its frog slowly cooking in the pot?

I think so! If Obama had not become President McCain would have done the same thing only in a much slower way that most Americans would not notice.

At least with Obama he fast forwarded the Progressive agenda. Its was very hard to not notice just how destructive these Progressive policies really are.

I do believe that there were a lot of intelligent people who voted for Obama for this very reason.

The Boiled Frog

They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water,

it will leap out right away to escape the danger.

But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant,

and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling,

the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late.

The frog's survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes.

This is a story that is used to illustrate how people might get themselves into terrible trouble.

This parable is often used to illustrate how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment, not just the sudden changes. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones.You think some people voted for Obama so that the nation could wake up from its frog slowly cooking in the pot?
All I know is that is something Incubus said in the song, Warning. Love that band.
Unfortunately the "boiled frog" story is a lie too, just like every other thing Republicans say.You think some people voted for Obama so that the nation could wake up from its frog slowly cooking in the pot?
The ACLU has always helped us defend against the slow erosion of our freedoms.You think some people voted for Obama so that the nation could wake up from its frog slowly cooking in the pot?
maybe 2 percent of crazy people...
  • eye liquid
  • What do you call a beef that is half-cooked? (pls help)?

    1) Medium rare

    2) Medium

    3) Medium well?

    Can i say half-done?

    Else, what should i call it from the above option? (or any others lemme know)

    Im working on an art and my title im supposed to call it 'Half-done' but when i checked Wikipedia, there's no such term for beef. And so im not sure which term is it.

    What i want is something that is done half way.... 50%. My art does not have images of beef but i want to illustrate something that is done halfway. Im not familiar with the terms.

    Thank you! Please help! (urgent) Greatly appreciatedWhat do you call a beef that is half-cooked? (pls help)?
    Since rare is slightly cooked I would think that medium would be the answer.What do you call a beef that is half-cooked? (pls help)?

    But "half-baked", comes to mind, LOL!What do you call a beef that is half-cooked? (pls help)?
    To be accurate, it would be medium, as there are two levels below that and two above. But to be honest for the sake of art, "rare" sounds better. Don't you think?
    Medium Rare is brown on the outside red in the middle - Medium is brown outside mostly red but turning pink - Medium Well is brown outside pink in the middle.

    Other options are rare - basically shown the grill and brought to you and

    Well done Brown outside gray in middle.

    For what you need there really is not half done because it depends on how you like it could to determine if it is half done. Someone who wants it cooked well will say medium is hald done but someone who wants it medium will say medium rare is half done.

    Hope this helps.

    Spiritually: How do you illustrate faith?

    As mentioned in Hebrews 11:1

    For those of you that do not have faith, or think it is foolish:

    "What is it that motivates you towards the good?"

    "Faith is the assured expectation

    of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though

    not beheld", a brother used the following:

    Let's take . . . PIE. I have a favorite pie and when I walk into the

    room and smell that aroma, I think . . . "There's a pie cooking".

    Now, I look around the kitchen and I see apple peelings, bits of

    crust dough lying around, flour on the counter. I KNOW there's

    pie and what KIND of pie it is. I've never seen it, but I know it's there.

    Then, there's a NOTE which says: "I know by now you've smelled the

    pie ... and 'YES', you may have some as soon as the timer rings".

    Now I KNOW that the pie is there ..... it's cooking ..... it's apple

    ..... And it's for me.

    And I know all this without having ever SEEN the pie. The evidence

    of it's existence is all around me. And I KNOW I'll be eating pie


    The same is true of 'faith'. We have never seen Jehovah .... but

    we've seen the EVIDENCE of Him in the natural world, in his people, in

    the accomplishments of his organization, in prayers being answered, prophecies being fulfilled and more promised. We KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt that He's real and working for our good.

    Then there's the 'NOTE' ..... the Bible, that puts into words

    the assurance of His love for us, and the promise of better things.

    We've never physically SEEN Him or our future Paradise , but we KNOW,

    without a shadow of a doubt that they are REAL because of the enormous amount of evidence around us. We KNOW it. we just have to wait for the "timer to ring".Spiritually: How do you illustrate faith?
    Faith is demonstrated every time one must have some form of service done. Drop your car off at a garage. Have work done on your house. Sign up for cell service.

    Practically each time, we must pay up front for the service at least a good part of the full amount. No one pays money just to throw it away. We have FAITH that whatever service we pay for will be done properly. That we will get good value for money paid.

    That does not always happen. Many times, there are less than honest people out there more than willing to steal anyones money. None wear a sign, "I am a crook!" All pretend to be honest, trustworthy. At times, they put names like "Christian or Honest" in their business names. These people have nothing else in mind but to steal as much money as possible.

    Chances are microscopic that you would be the first victim. That is why investigation is required. Past action is a good indication of future actions. Have they kept their word in the past? Did the work equal or surpass what was promised? Did they keep communications open?

    All this to answer the one question, "Are you putting your FAITH in the wrong thing or one?"




    (H)imSpiritually: How do you illustrate faith?
    Human solidarity.

    I feel bad when I make other people feel bad......

    IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLESpiritually: How do you illustrate faith?
    I also agree 100%, thanks for sharing this :)

    I'm not sure how I'd illustrate faith. Just hope and love and trust.
    I agree with you 100% and I love the illustration but I dont know how to answer the question sorry :/
    blind faith?? you can keep it!

    maybe .............. just maybe ................... you're wrong!

    I'd go Angel?!
    Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the assured expectation of Things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld [ seen] 2 For by means of this the men of old times had witness borne to them 3 By faith we perceive that the system of things were put in order by God's word so that what is beheld has come to be out of things that do not appear
    Without faith our worship is worth nothing!

    This is what Jehovah told us through his prophet Isaiah: “Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do.’”

    The last part of verse 11 says: “I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it. (Isaiah 46:9-11)

    Yes, we can have faith in Jehovah and his promises just as surely as if those promises had already come true.

    The Bible expresses it this way: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”—Hebrews 11:1.

    (Isaiah 46:11) the One calling from the sunrising a bird of prey, from a distant land the man to execute my counsel. I have even spoken [it]; I shall also bring it in. I have formed [it], I shall also do it.

    (Isaiah 46:9-11) Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; 10?the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do’; 11?the One calling from the sunrising a bird of prey, from a distant land the man to execute my counsel. I have even spoken [it]; I shall also bring it in. I have formed [it], I shall also do it.

    (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

    Our faith cannot contain any doubt about the fact that Jehovah will do all He has promised us.
    I think he should wait for the pie to cool before he eats some.

    And what about all of the other gods? They're just made up nonsense, right? Of course, YOURS is the real one.
    That's a pretty good analogy. Another one I use is the analogy of learning a mathematical formula.

    It's like if you're taking calculus and your teacher tells you that this is a formula that will tell you how to find how much water you need to flow through a pipe to cool a turbine or something (just an example).

    He writes the formula on the board and I look at it. I copy it and start committing it to memory. At that point I don't have empirical proof that that formula will do what the teacher says it will do, but I have *faith* that it will.

    The knowledge that it will prove to be true is pure faith until I go home that night and work it our for myself. Until I work it out on my own and see with my own eyes that it gives me the right answer, all I have is faith.

    My faith in God is a lot like that. I have the word of many wise and prayerful teachers through the ages, plus my own experience to tell me that God is love and love is the only thing that can heal the world's wounds. At some point I will know that for sure, see it with my own eyes, so to speak, but until then ... it's pure faith.
    I liken it to the answering of your question with this computer. Though I cannot see the information that is being sent, whether it be through wires, or that of the air, I have faith that the coded bits of information being being sent will be reprocessed on your end, much like our DNA is for creation.. Hebrews 11:1 Faith, trusting with unshakable adherence. Great question.
    Okay, You Had me at PIE...
    The First Evidence that Every True Believer has is the Fact that they have a CHANGED LIFE. New Desires/Habits have Replaced Old (Sinful) Desires/Habits,
    and we have been FREED from the BONDAGE of Sin.
    This is going to be hard to explain in a short space but I’ll Try...
    Romans Ch 8:1 begins by saying “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus...” VS 30 says “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Meaning that Salvation is Entirely of GOD and it is a Complete Package! (From our being Predestined to Our Glorification). Now Look at the very Last VS of that Chapter and Paul Tells us that “There is NO Separation for those who are in Christ Jesus”. I’ve Quickly Said ALL that to Show that Romans Ch 8 is Meant to give the Christian ASSURANCE and Security of their Faith.
    NOW, Go back to VS 1 where Paul is Assuring the Christian that he is No Longer under “Condemnation”, In the Next Verse, Paul is going to start to Assure the Believer that he Really is NOT under Condemnation Any More and the Very FIRST thing (Look at VS 2) He Says “FOR” Meaning "BECAUSE". Paul is Telling us WHY we don’t have “Condemnation” and the Reason he gives is Because “We have been Set Free…”, “We NO LONGER are under the Bondage of Sin” (Earlier in the Book he explained that the Unsaved person was Under Bondage to sin). What Paul is doing here in Ch 8:2 is he is Appealing to the Christians Personal Experience to give them Assurance that they Really are NOT Under Condemnation. And His Point is that EVERY Believer is Able to Compare his NEW Life “IN Christ” with his OLD Life “In-Adam”. For Myself there is a Real Noticible Change in my life, I Now Have a Love for Reading and Studying the Bible where I Never had before, I use to be a Loner and didn’t care for anybody but myself but Now I have a Love for my fellow Christian Brethren, and I REALLY Care for the Eternal Destiny of the Unsaved, There severl differences in my Character such as I No Longer am Angry like I use to be, I No Longer Steal... I Could go On with a pretty Long List of what is Different Now as compared with Before I was saved, but my Point is that I KNOW there is a Very DISTINCT Difference between my Before Christ and After Christ! THAT IS MY EVIDENCE! I Am a NEW Creation In Christ Jesus!

    'Britain's got Talent' or 'Television for Dummies' ?

    It's the program with all the plusses !!! The wonderful Ant, the equally unirritating Dec, the talented Amanda Holden, Piers Over-Bearing and of course Simon Cowell, who seems to make more appearances on television than the weather forecast. How could we fail to enjoy such a spectacle of presenters who illustrate better than anybody could that Britain has indeed got talent. A talent for producing inane and moronic television programs. Now we hear the 'America's Got Talent'. How long before life becomes a constant procession of talent shows, Big Brother BS, dancing competitions, cooking competitions, who wants to be a Lord Webber protege, top model etc etc etc. Coronation Street could be replaced by Corrine's real Coronation Street Stars, where the series is actually replaced by auditions for Corrie Wannabees.

    There programs are insulting...get them off the air....we are more intelligent. RANT OVER...what do you think ?'Britain's got Talent' or 'Television for Dummies' ?
    I think we are being bombarded with "Reality" style shows on the BBC its all the same celebrity dancing, find me next West end musical star which is the same show hosted by Graham Bloody Norton but with a different name.

    And ITV is over run with Simon Bloody Cowell TV, and no doubt in another 6 months or so, they Will uncover the fact that your phone votes have not been counted and another "TV phone in swindle " will occur, when will these people ever learn
    if you don't like don't watch, corri is not going to be replaced, some of the contestants on britains got talent do have talent and are actually quite entertaining as are the ones who don't have talent, a lot of people watch it and they watch for a reason...

    Edit: it's only a tv programme theres plenty of other things to watch and nobody forces you to watch it if you don't want to'Britain's got Talent' or 'Television for Dummies' ?
    britian's got talent came from america, america had talent first.

    i like it, i mean why not - its brainless, colourful, loud fun!

    the ppl who got on there can be somewot deluded but hey, rather them than me. i'l just watch it like everyone else like sheep'Britain's got Talent' or 'Television for Dummies' ?
    I think you know a lot about the programmes you "apparently" hate. :-D
    I gave up on TV after watching the first Big Brother, I put my TV outside and said to myself, "Never again", lol.
    just dunt watch it i lyk it i just dunt lyk big brova tht should be canceled for eva
    just don't watch it there plenty of other programs to choose from, simple as

    Can u check my grammar?

    It might seems long but it's not long. There's a quote in it.

    I was wondering if you can check my grammar and if you want, can you add/edit things too.

    Please and Thank you in advance :]]

    In The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini illustrates how Amir’s jealousy towards Hassen leads him to think cruelty. Amir was so happy and proud of himself for writing a story all by himself. He was so excited to share his story with Hassen. He felt proud while he was reading his story to Hassen until Hassen said something that transform his proudness into jealousy. Hassen suggested that Amir’s main character to cut an onion instead of killing his wife. Amir begins to think to self. “What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He’ll never be anything but a cook.” (34). Consequently Amir’s jealousy leads him to have cruel thoughts about Hassen. Even though Amir goes to school while Hassen stays at home, Hassen is still more intelligent. In Amir’s mind, he believes that he is far more intelligent and better than Hassen because Amir is Pashtun while Hassen is a Hazara. As soon as Hassen told Amir about the onion idea, Amir felt low because he did thought of the idea which a Hazara, who thought of it. Due to this incident, it leads Amir to think cruel about Hassen saying how Hassen is just a Hazara. He was trying to put Hassen down in his mind in order to make him feel better about himself.Can u check my grammar?
    In The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini illustrates how Amir’s jealousy towards Hassen leads him to think cruelly. Amir was happy and proud that he had written a story all by himself. He was excited and wanted to share his story with Hassen. He felt proud as he read his story to Hassen until Hassen said something that transformed his pride to jealousy. Hassen suggested that Amir’s main character should cut an onion instead of killing his wife. Amir thought to himself, “What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He’ll never be anything but a cook.” (34). Consequently, Amir’s jealousy led him to think cruel thoughts about Hassen. Even though Amir attended school while Hassen stayed home, Hassen was more intelligent. In Amir’s mind, he felt that he was far more intelligent and better than Hassen because Amir was Pashtun while Hassen was a Hazara. As soon as Hassen told Amir about the onion idea, Amir felt low because he hadn't thought of the idea while a Hazara had thought of it. This incident led Amir to cruel thoughts about Hassen, such as the idea that Hassen is just a Hazara. Amir wanted to put Hassen down in his mind, so that he could feel better about himself.Can u check my grammar?
    I agree with the above poster, with the exception of these sentences (the way he wrote them):

    This incident, led Amir to cruel thoughts about Hassen;such as that Hassen is just a Hazara. He wanted to put Hassen down in his mind, so that he could feel better about himself.

    There should be no comma after incident, no semicolon after Hassen (make it a comma), and there is no comma after mind.


    1. Explain why we use rules of uncertainty for significant figures in scientific measurements and calculations?

    2. What algebraic principal allows dimensional analysis to convert units using equality statements? In other words, what is the mathematical reasoning behind converting units?

    3. To better illustrate the use of metric prefixes, I will give you four different lengths; you tell me which of the metric prefixes along with meter best describes them.

    EX. The diameter of a penny would be best described as a cm.

    A. Football field B. Thickness of a dime

    C. Thickness of a hair D. Length of a car

    4. Why is the metric system better than the English system of measurements?

    5. Explain the difference between a Calorie, a calorie, and a joule.

    6. Explain the difference between Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit. Your answer must include a discussion of what they are based on melting and boiling points of water.

    7. You hurt your knee during a football game and your trainer put an icepack on it. Describe the system and surroundings involved in the action.

    8. Describe how lake effect snow is cause by specific heat.

    9. Discuss whether ice melting on a table is an exothermic or endothermic reaction, or if there is no reaction.

    10. Describe all of the different changes taking place after you take a piece of ice at -40 degrees C, place it in a beaker and cook it using the Bunsen Burner until it turns to steam at 100 degrees C. Explain how you would calculate the heat involved in this reaction.

    11. Convert 5.0 ounces to decigrams.

    12. How many cm^3 or 1.234 X 10^4 mm^3?

    13. How many food calories are in 6.12 joules?

    14. If 74 calories of energy are added to 50 g of water at 27 degrees C, what is the final temp of the water?DO YOU THINK YOU CAN ANSWER THESE?
    Hmm. Maybe, but why would I want to?
    aw hell naw!!1
    I would so wanna answer, but I don't have the time to read.
    I gave up after the first one lol
    Woah even i don't have that many questions for homework, wait,

    I do.
    nope, can't answer them. can you?
    1.All nonzero digits are significant. Thus, 8.15 cm, 0.723 cm, 52.3 cm, and 0.000234 cm all contain three significant figures.

    Zeros between nonzero digits are significant. There are three significant figures in each of the measurements, 101 cm, 10.5 cm and 1.06 cm.

    Terminal zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant. There are three significant figures in 0.100 cm, 0.110 cm, and 1.00 cm.

    Zeros preceding the first nonzero digit are not significant. There are three significant figures in 0.0101 cm, 0.00100 cm and 0.000101 cm.

    Terminal zeros in a number without an explicit decimal point may or may not be significant. When a measurement is given as 200 cm, you do not know whether one, two, or three significant figures were intended. Any uncertainty can be removed by expressing the number in scientific notation.


    Thats all i know lol
    ummmm.... Would you please translate that in English? :D
  • nivea cream
  • Medical Personal Statement let me down even after I have 3 A's. Can you have a read and make suggestions?

    Medicine is an ever growing, ever changing field. Doctors and researchers can spend their whole lives trying to find a cure for a disease only to realise that when they have, a new disease takes its place and hence the cycle begins again. This is just one of the many reasons why I believe that medicine is such a unique and distinctive field, because there is no beginning, no end and therefore you never stop learning.

    In order to gain a realistic insight into the life of a doctor I organised some work experience within a hospital. I worked with different people including surgeons and juniordoctors. I went on ward rounds, sat in an outpatient clinic, and observed live surgery. From

    all these different angles of medicine I understand that in order to enter such a diverse field you need to be adaptable and flexible in order to meet the demands of such a hectic career. Teamwork was essential throughout the whole week and was a major factor for all the

    medical staff. When having a conversation with the surgeon I was amazed when he mentioned the prospect of having surgery without making incisions. This illustrates the advancement of

    medicine; we have gone from making large incisions to keyhole surgery and now to having no incisions.

    Attending a medical conference at **** University allowed me to enhance my knowledge on what life as a medical student entailed. One to one conversations with doctors, and medical students demonstrated the reality of a career in medicine. From this experience I appreciate that you cannot simply become a doctor and help people. An immense amount of dedication and

    perseverance is required to reach this stage, however I believe that I have the motivation required to become a useful member of the medical profession.

    I am a regular volunteer at both the Deaf %26amp; Blind Society and *** Hospice. I am often placed in charge of organising activities for the Society. By working here I realised that it is the little things that really make the difference in the patients' lives, and also shows me

    the reality of the patients and their families who have to cope with a loved one having a terminal illness. Having to cope in high pressure situations such as these has allowed me to realise the stresses and strains that come with being a doctor. From both these experiences I

    understand how vital empathy %26amp; a sense of humour is when it comes to dealing with the patient and trying to make the best out of the bleakest situation.

    My communication and public speaking skills have been demonstrated by being an active member of the debating team. The rebuttals during the debates have definitely enhanced my ability to

    be able to think on the spot. Having to work with the team has improved my listening skills greatly, which is beneficial as being a doctor requires listening to the patients express

    their views and explain their symptoms.

    Mentoring younger children in science has developed my organisation and planning skills. Having to be prepared every week with a new presentation or activity allowed me to think ahead

    and also increased my creativity skills, as I had to prepare something that my mentee would find informative but also exciting.

    I'm an active member of the local gym, which helps me to unwind. I am currently taking cooking classes, which I also enjoy. Balancing many different activities has developed my time management skills and given me one of the most essential tools for a career as challenging as medicine.

    I understand that doctors are only human and can only help their patients to a limit; however

    I would be privileged to enter such an exceptional field and be part of this unique team.

    Although a career in medicine requires 100% concentration, I believe I am a determined,enthusiastic individual who rises up to challenge and has the skills that are vital to manage such a demanding course as medicine.Medical Personal Statement let me down even after I have 3 A's. Can you have a read and make suggestions?
    If I understand correctly, you have just earned or will soon earn your bachelor's degree and are applying to medical school.

    In this case, the problem with your essay is that it reads like an essay of a student applying for undergraduate school. You have mentioned nothing about the scientific research that you should have done in college. If fact, you have not mentioned anything about your four years in college.

    If you are in high school and are applying to undergraduate school, your essay concept would be OK if you mentioned specifically that you want to study pre-med, so long as you cut down the discussion of medical preparation to give you space to write specifically about how the experiences you have had have changed you for the better and how you anticipate that undergraduate school will enable to continue on this path.

    If you are in a country where you go directly to medical school after high school, your essay is a good first draft and needs lots of refinement.

    In any case, you need to clean up the grammar and syntax as well as the conclusion.

    Good luck.
    visit the website below for further advice Personal Statement let me down even after I have 3 A's. Can you have a read and make suggestions?
    Read your statement. You have a few punctuation errors and places where commas should be but aren't.

    Also, this sounds too much like an undergrad paper and not enough like a grad student. I think you also focused on you too much. This is for med school but where's the references to med school? You talk about science and creativity and communication. After your paragraph about attending medical conferences the focus on med school seems to all but disappear.

    Ask yourself if they really have to know about your public speaking skills and mentoring of little kids. I think you should take those out because it seems to derail your paper.

    Maybe talk of what its like to be a doctor and the impact you witnessed that they have on the lives of the patient and the families you volunteered with. Why thats important.Medical Personal Statement let me down even after I have 3 A's. Can you have a read and make suggestions?
    firstly, dont put your personal statement on a site like this. people might take things from it and then it wont be personal at all. so remove this when you can.

    you spend most of the statement telling the admission tutor things they already know...they know its an ever changing growing field and they dont want you to reiterate it to them. they want to know about YOU and your reasons not an insight into the subject theyre already teaching.
    You need to look at your grammar and punctuation and also you need to relate the subjects you studied as you have not said anything about that i.e. why did you choose Maths? how does this relate to Medicine.

    Grading my SAT essay?

    I wrote a practice essay for the SAT, and I'm wondering if you guys could grade it (from 1-6).

    Some people believe that memories are useful for helping them succeed, while others take on the opposite view. Sometimes memories can serve as a guide, or they can hinder people from moving on. I think that, from my personal life and reading, that memories help people succeed in the future.

    Recently, I read The House on Mango Street. In this novel, Esperanza, the protagonist, experiences many events that teach her to become who she wants to be. In Esperanza's Latin-American neighborhood, women are treated as inferior to men, as shown in several of Sandra Cisneros' vignettes. In one, Esperanza learns about Alicia, who is always in the kitchen cooking, or cleaning for her younger siblings. Alicia wishes to go to university for an education, but is unable to. Another memory Esperanza remembers is of Sally, a girl who is abused by her father, and marries to be disallowed to have guests over or leave the house without her husband. Esperanza sees all of this and realizes that she cannot be like them, but must instead be free and not be controlled by men.

    There have been times where memories have helped me succeed as well. Once, I was practicing piano, and I came across a difficult piece. I tried to master it, but I thought I couldn't do it. However, after practicing, with struggles and tears along the way, I learned the piece and performed it for my teacher and family with pride. Now, when I come across anything hard, I brace myself for the challenge instead of trying to avoid it and just giving up.

    These two examples illustrate how important our memories and our past are to the present and in determining our successes. Without Esperanza remembering those two young women or my remembering the struggle of playing that piece but succeeding in the end, our lives could have been shaped differently.

    Thanks!Grading my SAT essay?
    Unfortunately, I don't really know a whole lot about the specific grading rubric. I wouldn't give it a 6 because you have some errors:

    "In one, Esperanza learns about Alicia, who is always in the kitchen cooking, or cleaning for her younger siblings. Alicia wishes to go to university for an education, but is unable to."

    There shouldn't be a comma before "but" because "is unable to" is not an independent clause.

    Another memory Esperanza remembers is of Sally, a girl who is abused by her father, and marries to be disallowed to have guests over or leave the house without her husband.

    This sentence is just a little confusing and also shouldn't have a comma before "and marries...".

    What do you mean "marries to be disallowed to"?

    In your example, some sentences are just a little weak:

    I tried to master it, but I thought I couldn't do it.

    Overall, it's not bad, but your example could be stronger. I think a historical example could serve the purpose very well, seeing as there's a fantastic quote by George Santayana that states,"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

    Anyways, I'd say 4 or 5

    Was Jesus vegetarian?

    What do you think? Some people claim that Jesus was a vegetarian. But consider:

    Jesus' teaching and conduct:

    Luke 5:1-10 - The event that specifically motivated the apostles to follow Jesus was a miracle in which He enabled them to make a huge catch of fish (vv 4-9). If catching fish is immoral, why did Jesus instruct and enable them to do it, especially when they had not been able to catch anything previously?

    Luke 11:11-13 - Jesus said a father gives good gifts to his children, including bread, fish, and eggs. The parallel to the bread shows that the children would eat the fish and eggs (what other use would they be?). Jesus here justifies eating fish and eggs, and He says that those who provide these for food are doing good, not evil! Note that, not only is eating fish good, so also is eating eggs.

    Mark 7:18,19 - Jesus taught that a man is not defiled (i.e., does not sin - vv 20-23) because of the foods he eats. In saying this, he purified all foods - i.e., He removed the Old Testament prohibitions against eating unclean animals. So whereas the Old Testament justified much eating of meat, the New Testament allows even more than did the Old Testament!

    Mark 6:35-44; 8:1-9 - Jesus fed the 5000 and later the 4000 by feeding them bread and fish (note 6:41; 8:7). [John 6:9,11]

    Matthew 22:4 - Jesus told a parable of a king who killed oxen and fatted cattle for a wedding feast. Here eating meat is a symbol of partaking of the blessings of God's kingdom. Would God use something immoral to symbolize the blessings of the kingdom?

    Luke 15:23,27 - When the prodigal son returned, the father had the servants rejoice by killing and eating the fatted calf. This illustrates God's joy when people repent of sin.

    Mark 14:12,18 - Jesus ate the Passover with His disciples. We earlier learned that the Passover involved killing and eating a lamb. Therefore, Jesus ate meat. Did Jesus do something immoral?

    Luke 24:36-43 - After His resurrection (and after the Old Law had been removed), Jesus ate fish to prove to His disciples that He really had been raised from the dead.

    John 21:3,6,8-13 - After His resurrection the apostles again went fishing. Jesus repeated the miracle of providing the apostles with fish to catch. This time He also cooked fish and gave fish to them to eat.

    Note that, in many of these cases Jesus ate fish or provided fish for others to eat. But in some of them He ate or approved of eating "red meat": calves, and lamb.Was Jesus vegetarian?
    Excellent research. It's obvious that Jesus was not a vegetarian. Therefore, those who believe in Jesus would be wise to follow his example and not be vegetarian. We already have plenty of empirical evidence that people do not thrive on a vegetarian diet.

    With all your examples my answer may seem very inarticulate, but the last supper was a passover meal, and the traditional passover meal included unleavened bread, wine, and lamb. So if he ate lamb then I would say no he wasn't vegetarian.Was Jesus vegetarian?
    The real question is does it matter if Jesus was a vegetarian.

    Scripture teaches not to judge about food, take a look at say Romans 14.

    There is no need to make a point of division where there is no need to be.Was Jesus vegetarian?
    I neither know nor care.

    Why would this be of interest? Did you really expect veg*ns to rush in claiming Jesus as a vegetarian?

    Don't know if you realise this - not everyone is a Christian or even a believer.
    Yes he was people believe jesus ate meat so they all started eating that's a shame it sure is written in the bible.
    Thou shalt not kill
    no jesus ate meat, b/c he knew meat was a gift from god
    Jesus was a practicing JEW. Followed Jewish Dietary Laws.

    I think the idea he was a Vegan or Veggie comes from the fact GOD's people were such before the flood. Moses was given leave(permission) to eat animals flesh when there was no longer any plants/fruit for him %26amp; his family to eat. Many times in the Bible the matter of eating Veggie(Pulses) as a healthier way is stated. Many of the Prophets ate this way, with the thought to be cleaner, purer.

    In the Garden of Eden there was no killing of animals or BBQ pits.. it was a VEGAN way of life. Being such I truly feel that my body was made to THRIVE of a plant based diet. Certainly all the nasty stuff in foods today are not good for us. Yes we can survive eating differently but with great cost to most of us. Increased Cancers, Auto Immune Diseases, Heart Disease.

    I was at a interesting Paul Nison (Raw Foodie) talk last year: Food For Thought, As a follower of Christ who was a devout practicing Jew(Rabbi) are we not also Jews welcomed into the tribe though him?
    There's no way of knowing for certain. The New Testament was actually written many years after Jesus' death.

    Probably not, because vegetarianism was not a typical thing in that area at that time.

    However, there was a Jewish/Christian group called the Essenes that practiced vegetarianism some years later. They claimed Jesus was of their group.
    i dont really think jesus was vegeterian . but we havent really got enouth evidence to say yes or no .! in this stage anything can be possible

    and to be honest what do we really know ? the only person that will know if jesus was/is a vegeterian is Jesus ...

    im a catholic , but i do question my religion .

    How do we even know for sure jesus made miracles .?

    sure its been written ina book by a disaple

    but Hello .!

    this might not be even true ..

    it could of been changed...

    HeLp Me!! PlEaSe You would be my savior of the day!!!((:?

    1) describe the electrical charge inside and outside a typical cell. Then Explain how this affects an ion's ability to move into the cell

    2) Suppose you have to explain a concentration gradient to some. Create a scenario that illustrates passive transport down concentration gradient.

    3) Name three transports processes in cells that do not require energy, and briefly describe how each of them works

    4) using your understanding of osmosis, describe why putting salt on a pork chop before cooking it on a grill is likely to result in a dry, tough piece of meat.HeLp Me!! PlEaSe You would be my savior of the day!!!((:?
    1. I'm not sure what the charge itself is, but the idea they want you to get to is that cell membranes contain a charge gradient because the inside and outside of a cell differ in their charge. This means some ions will flow down that gradient (and have very easy access to the cell interior/exterior depending on their charge) and others, who have similar charges to those of the cell would not and would have to be actively transported in. (so, for example, if the cell is positively charged, other positively charged ions would be repelled-like repels like when it comes to charge...think of a magnet). For the record, this isn't exactly how it works in biochemistry, but for your assignment I think it would be over your head to go into more detail.

    2. A concentration gradient exists because things in nature want to equalize. If you have a dam in front of a reservoir, there is a HUGE amount of water behind the dam, and very little in front of it (think of the Hoover dam, with Lake Mead behind it). The water behind the dam very badly wants to flow through it but cannot, because the dam is obviously solid. But if it could, it would flow through until the volume of water on both sides of the dam is equal.

    The same principle applies in a cell. If you have a cell with very few, say, Na+ molecules inside, and a TON of Na+ outside. Those on the outside want to flow into the cell, until they reach an equal concentration on both sides.

    3. Diffusion, passive channel transport...and I'm not sure on a third one. You can look up the definitions for them, they will describe what they are.

    4. High salt concentration outside of the meat cells causes them to release water to equilibriate the salt concentration on both sides of the cell (in effect, concentrating their interior).

    As an annoying etiquette rule, I would suggest you 1) phrase your questions better in the future (saying HELP ME PLEASE! does nothing to tell people what your question is actually about) and 2) don't capitalize letters in the middle of a word. It looks stupid.

    Start to my essay proposing a (contrived) analogy for reality and to propose multiple realities. WARNING LONG?

    Most people subscribe to the concept of a singular reality, which is supported by their environment and the people they interact with and congealed in their actions and subsequent reactions, and generally being part of a web of beliefs and opinions and attitudes to life. 'Good' and 'Bad' are totally arbitrary and differ hugely across space and time. For example human sacrifice like the Aztec peoples for example was the norm in their culture, as it went with a heavy religious belief. However, across a few thousand years this has disappeared into history and into the realm of genocide by today's standards. The slave trade could undergo a similar analysis, from the norm into the realm of "the very bad, horrific". Conceptions of right and wrong can-and do-differ massively between different cultures; take for example if you will the current tension between several major religions, in Israel and Lebanon currently, and closer to home the recent change in attitude towards Muslims in America. Well not change, specifically, but increasing fear and distrust, animosity, embodying itself in average Caucasian America, with one of the main reasons being the ridiculous war in Iraq, as any country at war naturally feels some sense of hostility towards "the enemy". Anyway, examples over. Back to the question. Well there is no question, so the general direction of this essay. So, we have seen how concepts of right and wrong are liable to switch around and generally be unstable. Even the most taboo of society's wrongs, murder, is legitimised in a conflict context. Rights and wrongs probably originate from a combination of tradition, logical thought (for example the Jewish commandment forbidding the consumption of pork. As Judaism is an Ancient religion originating in warm climates, and the first Jews supposed to be nomads wandering the deserts, this is nothing more than a bit of common sense, as meat can spoil very quickly in hot weather, and pork is notorious for being the origin of illness and food poisoning due to the care that must be taken with the cooking process and the large number of illness causing bacteria liable to be present feasting upon the meat prior to the intended consumers) and vestigial instincts retained as the successor of other species, but a major factor in this is religion and their ignorance of the world’s microscopic processes.

    Homo sapiens USP (unique selling point) is the fact that we have pondered over and made autonomous choice to ignore once useful instincts- indeed the Latin taxonomic name is translated as "wise human" or "knowing human",-and thus we have created for ourselves artificial living; no longer do we heed the warning of ‘danger!’ of the brightly coloured fish or the repellent smell of mouldy cheese; indeed we enjoy these bizarre treats and value them highly. No longer do we roam naked and employ a purely straightforward instinctual system of mating, but a whole culture and semantic field based around clothes and modesty, and complex and conflicting system of sexual morals and beliefs. These types of ‘step over the fence’; being aware of the instinct but pursuing excitement for enjoyment and a varied lifestyle is the human trait, the experimental being with only traces and relics of instinctual behaviour from times past, now built upon and contrived to such extremes; to put forward the fetish of inanimate objects i.e. shoes. And the important thing to note here is that behaviours and practices are not universal across the world, as each sentient life experiences and constitutes their own reality with their mental capability. The deformities and differences that arise in the world’s human society, particularly injuries to or abnormalities of the brain illustrate the complex areas involved in interpreting and processing the world.

    This explanation of the differences in personal reality will help to outline my proposal. In the style of the Greek tradition, I shall put forwards a Platonic type analogy, I always enjoyed the poetic style of Plato and the hypocrisy of using mimesis to devalue mimesis.

    Imagine a round ball (as opposed to a oval ball). In your mind's picture, imagine the centre of the ball, and right in the middle lies a golf ball. Now, the golf ball is held in the middle away from the edges of the ball by some sort of thread or cord stretched taut, and secured one end onto the surface of the golf ball, and the other to the inside surface of the ball. Now repeat this a few hundred times until the most of the inside surface area of the ball is fastened to the golf ball, holding it in position. (If you are struggling, think of the relationship on a bike wheel; the outer wheel and the cogs at the centre, with the spokes supporting all around. Now just convert this to a 3 dimensional shape sphere).

    So we have our bizarre string filled ball ready. My analogy takes a Kantian form, indeed I may just be rephrasing more illustriously the main ‘Copernican Revolution’ argStart to my essay proposing a (contrived) analogy for reality and to propose multiple realities. WARNING LONG?
    Beliefs and belief systems have little to do with reality. Reality is what is, though opinions and beliefs may have alter ones view of reality, they do not alter reality. If one sees horns behind a fence and says, "there is a cow". Being raised on a farm it would seem logical. When the Viking comes around the fence, his view of reality changed but not reality.

    If I didn't take you seriously I would not have read it, There are good ideas in it. My only objection is the above.
  • bad makeup

    1. Explain why we use rules of uncertainty for significant figures in scientific measurements and calculations?

    2. What algebraic principal allows dimensional analysis to convert units using equality statements? In other words, what is the mathematical reasoning behind converting units?

    3. To better illustrate the use of metric prefixes, I will give you four different lengths; you tell me which of the metric prefixes along with meter best describes them.

    EX. The diameter of a penny would be best described as a cm.

    A. Football field B. Thickness of a dime

    C. Thickness of a hair D. Length of a car

    4. Why is the metric system better than the English system of measurements?

    5. Explain the difference between a Calorie, a calorie, and a joule.

    6. Explain the difference between Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit. Your answer must include a discussion of what they are based on melting and boiling points of water.

    7. You hurt your knee during a football game and your trainer put an icepack on it. Describe the system and surroundings involved in the action.

    8. Describe how lake effect snow is cause by specific heat.

    9. Discuss whether ice melting on a table is an exothermic or endothermic reaction, or if there is no reaction.

    10. Describe all of the different changes taking place after you take a piece of ice at -40 degrees C, place it in a beaker and cook it using the Bunsen Burner until it turns to steam at 100 degrees C. Explain how you would calculate the heat involved in this reaction.

    11. Convert 5.0 ounces to decigrams.

    12. How many cm^3 or 1.234 X 10^4 mm^3?

    13. How many food calories are in 6.12 joules?

    14. If 74 calories of energy are added to 50 g of water at 27 degrees C, what is the final temp of the water?HOW SMART ARE YOU? CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS?
    I'm very smart because I've studied, done my own homework and not cheated. If you do the same, you too can be very smart. To demonstrate how smart I am, I'm not falling for your pathetic attempt to gull us into doing your homework.

    With any luck at all, the rest of the people up here are all that smart too!HOW SMART ARE YOU? CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS?
    wow i guess im not smart cuz i dont get any of these

    good luck

    I need help writing this essay, an suggestions / info would be of great help.?

    I have to write an essay on the following topic:Trace the history of an object of great value to you. If you do not know the object鈥檚 history, you can research it鈥檚 history or create one based on what you do know. Throughout the essay, use the object鈥檚 history to reveal something about yourself. For example, a ring you inherited from your grandmother might illustrate your closeness to her; similarly, getting an autographed baseball might be the impetus for your interest in coaching a professional baseball team.

    Can anyone give me an example of what exactly my teacher is asking for. I remember writing a paper in high school on this but it was not as complicated. He wants 1500 words and wants me to describe the object and talk about it's history and what not...All I can say is Huh???

    All the students in the class asked for an explanation or an example but he said that we should know how to write a paper already and that if we needed help we had to contact the tutoring english teacher in the library (that was such a help)...NOT! I work a full time job, have a baby to take care of and have to do cook and clean and pick up my daughter from her babysitters house so how the heck am I supposed to take time out and go to a tutor...Is this not the reason I am paying for my classes, so that he can teach "EMPHASIS" on TEACH!!!! HELP!!!!I need help writing this essay, an suggestions / info would be of great help.?
    Most college teachers don't teach. They either lecture or "guide" your learning. They usually prefer to be called "instructors" instead of teachers because that is what they do is instruct you what to do... you have to figure out how to do it. I was just like you when I first started college. I work full time and have two kids and attend full time classes. Where is there time for homework right? You will get it though, don't give up.

    As far as the essay... you are fortunate with the topic that you have. I wish I could have written a personal essay. The method to a personal essay is to use your heart. Pick something that really does mean something to you. It doesn't have to be yours. If it were me I would probably pick something of my kids that means something to me. Like their tiny newborn clothes or a pillow or blanket that someone made for them. Find something that really have deep meaning to you and pour it out. Start with either typing or just writing down everything you can think of, don't worry about order and what not... just get your thoughts on paper. Then let it sit a day or so while you research the origin of where the object came from... (i.e. the materials of a blanket and so forth). Then go through the first draft you did and put it in order and edit it as you see fit. Put in the information that you researched as you go along where it fits in. (Make sure you site where you got the info if you have to do a works cited)

    Essays are one of my least favorite things to do EVER. I feel your dilemma though. I have just come to the realization that you HAVE to put your heat in it somewhere, especially with this sort of topic. I hope that this helps at least a little. Good luck on the topic and your education. Trust me, I have managed kids, work, school, home for 3 semesters now and working on the 4th and have been on the dean's list the whole time. It is possible to achieve your goals. =) If you are like me, I don't want my kids to ever think that they prevented me from doing what I needed to do.I need help writing this essay, an suggestions / info would be of great help.?
    can you do people? Do a parent and find out family history. It teaches you probably more relevant things than objects as you need to know where you came from.

    Can someone help me identify this Japanese TV show that I saw?

    I was watching TV in Japan (Sapporo) and I saw this really fun variety/reality show. It aired around Christmas time (Dec 25 2009) though it could have been a rerun. I don't understand Japanese so I may have some of the facts of the show wrong.

    It involved groups of two or three Japanese celebrities/comedians who were given certain missions. They had to catch a certain type of fish, or catch a stingray that was a certain size, etc. One team went diving and caught a large octopus, which they cooked and ate. Another team went up to the mountains and dug up some roots. Another scene was where this comedian: Naoki Tanaka, went fishing on a small rock in the middle of the ocean overnight. On the TV show, they'd illustrate the mission targets as cartoonish, 3D, animations of the fish, colored in gold.

    Anyways, if anyone could help me find the name of the show, it'd be much appreciated.Can someone help me identify this Japanese TV show that I saw?
    I guess it's Cocorico's ikinari! ougon densetsu?

    That's the show in which some comedians are given missions to achieve "legends".

    Please check the link.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Can someone help me identify this Japanese TV show that I saw?
    • 2 years ago
    • Report Abuse

    According to renuka choudhary and indira jaisiNgh's DV Domestic violence act?

    any act where the Man refuses to obey a woman is considered Domestic Violence

    The DV act singles out men as perpetrators of domestic violence and assumes that only women are victims. As per this law, only a woman can file a complaint against her male partner. A man, who is a victim of domestic violence, has no rights under this law. The fact is that it has been comprehensively proven in numerous studies [please see references] that women are no less abusive as men in intimate relationships. Giving such sweeping legal powers to women while withholding protection to male victims is tantamount to systematic legal victimization of men. In the western world, the domestic violence laws are gender neutral and provide protection to the victims, both men and women. The fact that the Indian version explicitly prohibits any male victim to seek relief under this law defies all logic and is beyond comprehension.

    The second significant flaw in this law is that it lends itself to such easy misuse that women will find it hard to resist the temptation to “teach a lesson” to their male relatives and will file frivolous and false cases. A similar trend is already being observed in the case of anti-dowry law (498a), which is being misused to such an extent that the Supreme Court has termed it “Legal Terrorism”. To illustrate how easy it is to misuse the DV law, consider the scenarios below. [She means wife/female live-in partner and he means husband/male live-in partner]

    a) If she demands any amount of money from him, for any reason whatsoever, he is legally bound to pay that amount in full, failing which he can be imprisoned. Under the pretext of preventing economic abuse of women, this law legalizes the extortion of money by women. Interestingly, if he asks for money from her, he can be jailed for that as well. Furthermore, he is responsible for paying the rent if the couple resides in a shared rented accommodation.

    b) As per the law, she retains the right to the residence. This is a very convenient means of getting control of the house regardless of whether she has any legal right on the property. Moreover, if he is booked under DV, he is responsible for paying the rent as well, even though he may not be allowed to live in the house or he might even be in jail.

    c) If she decides not to cook and wishes to eat out in a restaurant everyday, he cannot afford not to oblige, lest he invites the DV provision for “not providing food”, for which he could be jailed.

    d) If she has an affair and he tries to prevent her from meeting her lover, he could be punished under the DV act, as he is preventing her from meeting someone.

    e) He can be booked under the DV act if she feels that she has been insulted. Insult is a relative term, which is totally left to her discretion. Interestingly, if she insults and abuses him verbally or even physically, he does not have any legal recourse in this law

    These are just some of the ways in which women can exploit men in a legally permitted manner. The fact that the complaint by a woman will be treated, prima facie, as “true and genuine” opens up a whole new realm of possibilities where innocent men will be accused and implicated in false cases, just because they refuse to give in to her unreasonable demands.

    Most people readily agree that the law will be misused. Their counter arguments generally are

    a) The number of miuses will be very low OR every law is misused – The objective of any law should be to punish the guilty and protect the innocent. The persecution of innocents cannot be justified in any circumstances. As is the case with 498a, this law will be heavily misused in urban India.

    b) If she is happy, then why will she file a complaint – Ah ! So, the man exists at the mercy of the woman. If the wife wants to kick out old parents from home or wants to pursue an affair and should the man dare to object, she can get him incarcerated with alacrity. Any law that forcefully subjects a section of a society to conduct as per the pleasure of another section is deemed oppressive and should be vehemently opposed.

    c) There are other provisions to deal with the misuse of this law – The fact is that there are other legal provisions to deal with domestic violence as well. If a strict law is made for a specific purpose, then the provisions for dealing with its misuse should be in the law itself.

    The third major flaw in this law is that it provides an all-encompassing definition of domestic violence and some terms (insults, name calling) are extremely subjective. The radical feminists claim that 70% of women in India face domestic violence which comes as no surprise as even an insult is considered domestic violence. Interestingly, they are mum on how many indian men suffer domestic violence using the same criteria. This law strikes at the very foundation of marriage by promoting intolerance and litigation for petty domestic disputes.

    DO YOU AGREE ?According to renuka choudhary and indira jaisiNgh's DV Domestic violence act?
    It's only slightly more extreme than the laws the feminists have been lobbying for over the past four decades, and that truly scares me...According to renuka choudhary and indira jaisiNgh's DV Domestic violence act?
    NO, I do not. That's outrageous. For the longest time they agreed to the lifestyle they were living to suddenly turn around and do that. Why in the hell did they agree to it in the first place? It's just like some females hold it in, hold it in and hold it in till, they can't take it and then from out of the blue explode. They'd have been better off speaking up post haste than what they're doing now. Punish a man for a culture they, too, were following blindly. Way to go.

    At what age is it ok to let your children play outside alone without constant supervision?

    I have a 5 year old daughter who is extremely responsible and watches over her brother (20 months) like a little mother. That said, i do realize she is only 5 and it is not her job to watch him. i am merely trying to illustrate her personality.

    i have let my daughter play outside by herself for a long time now; she does well and there is no danger. we have a fenced-in yard with no pool or other dangerous items that could fall on the kids or cut them, etc... they have a sand box, a swingset, and just grass.

    is it ok to let my son play outside with her at his age without me being out there?

    i would check on them constantly, like every 5 minutes or so. but it would be nice to be able to put a load of clothes on or cook supper inside without having to bring both of them in to surpervise them.

    what do you think?At what age is it ok to let your children play outside alone without constant supervision?
    I don't think there is a right age, like you said it depends on the maturity of the child. I let my oldest daughter play by herself pretty early on, around 4 years but my son is 6 and I don't trust him to use the bathroom by himself yet lol! It's not like you are going to the bar and leaving your daughter in charge, you are on the premises and she can let you know if the little one is getting into trouble. When my daughter was around your daughter's age I would let her "watch" my son and youngest daughter while I mowed the lawn or folded laundry etc. and it made her feel very grown up and she was really responsible about it. She took her job very seriously lol! As long as you are comfortable with it I say go for it! BTW- You are obviously concerned about your kids so don't worry about people telling you to "be a mom". Like you I want my children to be safe but I also want them to have the independence to explore and learn without me constantly overseeing things. I saw a news report about parents like that, they call them helicopter parents. They are always hovering over their kids and won't let them do anything on their own. My daughter has a friend that was sheltered like that. We let her babysit (she is 13) and we ordered pizza for them and she didn't know what to do when the pizza guy came to the door! Her mom had never let her answer the door by herself. How will she know what to do when she leaves home? Kids need to learn to be resourceful and not have their parents do EVERYTHING for them!!!!
    You know your children and the area you live in better than anyone else. I'd say if you feel comfortable doing it, it is probably okay.At what age is it ok to let your children play outside alone without constant supervision?
    I have to say yes!!! I have a four year old and a 2 year old and they ALWAYS play outside by themselves. I do check on them every 5 mins or so...but I also listen for gives me a chance to cook or do laundry. I think it also builds up confidence to allow them to feel secure away from mommy for a few minutes... so I say GO FOR IT!At what age is it ok to let your children play outside alone without constant supervision?
    At first I thought you meant outside in a neighborhood with other kids, which would have been a big no, but in a fenced in yard with the sister watching out for her little bro, I think they will be fine. Your daughter will be so happy to act as the responsible older sister and do a good job taking care of him. Plus, if you are able to check on them constantly, that's even better. I would do the same.
    Are you kidding me? Your son is 20 months old. Be a PARENT and take supervision for you son and daughter. It's ok for your daughter for maybe a half hour outside in the fenced in yard but GOD PLEASE don't let your son be out there with her. He can go around and find rocks and bugs and eat them... babies definately find the worst things.

    You are a mom... MOM! You chose to take these children in. Now BE a mom and supervise them. You have a playpen right? Put your kids in one of them.. A bigger play pen of course.
    i would say no to any of a days it only takes a couple of min for some idiot to kidnap someone and how would you feel then you know..........i am always outside with my teens and grandkids no matter what age they are,,,,if something happens as to any injuries they could get , then i am there to do something right away.........
    no matter how safe your neighborhood may be,it only takes a second for a child to be abducted,no matter where u could be as simple as noticing the kids by themselves and someone snatching them up before you could realize it.that being said i do let my 5 yr. old daughter play on the back deck by herself,but i have the screen door open and can see her and hear her,b/c i only let her when im in the kitchen considering the deck is right off the kitchen.if you decide to let them play outside by themselves i would not let the baby outside unless u were right there.
    it really sounds like a safe place, BUT personally I would not let them be like that. your 5yo might be extremely responsible, but she will not be able to resist an intruder, say someone comes to snatch your little boy... what I would do though is to watch them from a kitchen window as i do things in the kitchen, like almost constantly, since bad things happen in a split second, unfortunately.

    or better yet, make yourself a lemonade, and sit under a shade and watch them giggle.. work can ALWAYS wait..
  • lips
  • Proofread my Essay (5 min of your time please) <3?

    Please tell me how to better this paper, in any way possible. I badly need a B on this paper, and well any help is greatly greatly appreciated. I will look into every suggestion.

    Also please correct me for any grammar mistakes! I will choose a best answer and i will forever be thankful for any help!


    Analytical on Strange Fruit

    The South is known for its friendly and generous citizens; for home cooked meals and beautiful landscapes. However, the South has a dark history when it comes to racism and its practice of slavery. Many stories and poems have been written to depict the tragedy of the South’s dark era, the era where being black could result in being lynched. In “Strange Fruit”, Abel Meeropol declares, “Southern trees bear a strange fruit/Blood on the leaves and blood at the root” (lines 1-2). In “Strange Fruit” the writer depicts the horrors of the South during the 1900s through references of its beauty, lynching of a black man, and the usage of imagery.

    First, the writer shows the horrors of the South by talking about the South’s beauty. For example, the author says, “Pastoral scene of the gallant South” (line 6). In this quote, “Pastoral” signifies the righteous way of the life of a southerner. A pastor means a shepherd of livestock, but it many ways it signifies living a prosperous life. In the Bible, God used many pastors to do his will. The author is portraying how the people in the South could be considered God’s followers. The word “gallant” suggests that the South or the men in the South are polite, generous, and kind. Being gallant is a heroic quality that is scarce in many parts of the world. The author at first makes it seem that the South is a wonderful place. The words “Pastoral” and “gallant” are used in this poem to demonstrate why one should consider the South as a beautiful place. The author later makes it clear that the south is far from being “gallant” and “pastoral”. The author contradicting himself betters the readers understanding on the reality of the dark era the South was going through.

    Second, the writer shows the horrors of the South by talking about the lynching of a black man. It is clear that the author sees a black man hanging from a tree in lines 3 and 4: “Black body swinging in the Southern breeze,/ Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees”. In the first line, the word “black” shows the skin color of the man being hanged; this could also refer to a burned body, and that the skin is charred from flames. The phrase “swinging in the southern breeze” illustrates that the body is swinging due to the southern breeze, “southern” is where they are located, therefore the South is the place where a man could be lynched for being black. The word “breeze” is a wind or a gust of air that is moving the body and making it swing. In the second line, “strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees”. The word “fruit” can be interpreted as the black man’s body. Most often fruit grows and hangs from trees. Therefore, Fruit is used to signify the dead body hanging from the tree. The word “Strange” refers to the odd appearance of the dead body hanging from the tree. The author is shocked by the view of the lynched black men, and is only capable of writing over this through the usage of metaphors. However, the author’s tone is very calm which is strange for something so cruel and disturbing.

    Third, the writer shows the horrors of the South by using imagery. For example, the author states, “The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth” (line 6). In this quote, the term “bulging” represents the horrid astonishment of both the lynched man and the author viewing the event. The writer of this poem wants to show his readers the unpleasant sight he had by using imagery. The word "twisted" refers to the disoriented state of mind belonging to those who were responsible for lynching slaves. The speaker realizes that the crowds viewing this lynching are not sane people, but in addition are twisted in many aspects. The way the author uses imagery on this poem conjures the serenity of the present evil in the South. Furthermore, the speaker’s use of imagery depicts a vivid image of the tragedy that devoured the South in the 1900s.

    In conclusion, The South’s biggest dilemma in the 1900s was its issue with racism. The author of “Strange Fruit” showed the harsh reality of the South through references of its beauty, lynching of a black man, and the usage of imagery. The poem described the South as pastoral and gallant. However, the author later speaks on the gruesomeness of a lynched man. Many stories and poems have been written to describe the horrid events that took place in the 1900s. Abel Meeropol’s poem, “Strange Fruit” was written as an agonizing reminder of the dark, but true history of the South.

    --------------------------------------…Proofread my Essay (5 min of your time please) %26lt;3?
    This is a very good analysis, but you need to look up the definition of the word "pastor"

    Can someone please give me feed back on this short story analysis?

    Can you please proof read, and add to it. If I am missing anything its about the short story " The story of an hour by kate chopin. I really need help with this, its due tommrow. Thanks and here is a link to the story.

    The Story of an hour

    Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour” illustrates the role of women in the 1800’s; Ms Mallard is an ideal example of how a typical woman was in that time period. A typical woman who had no rights and says in anything, someone who was just there to be the maid of the house and to do as their husbands had said. Not educated, and oppressed by there husbands treated as if they were not humans but as property.

    Ms. Mallard hears of a tragic incident which causes her husbands death, at first she seems to be in shock but inside she is filled with joy. She finally has the sense of freedom the she long waited for. After hearing that her husband has passed, Mrs. Mallard goes to be alone in her bedroom. She is there for only an hour, but in this hour, her life seems to change. She feels as though she should be sad that her husband is no longer with her, but she cannot deny that joy that she feels. “Free, free, free!” (pg.496). the word free to Ms. Mallard meant more then just happiness it meant independence and free will to do and to live her life they way she wanted to. Not to have been controlled by her husband anymore, no more of taking orders and trying to be a perfect wife. Ms Mallard thinks in her mind “There would be no one to live for during those coming years, she would live for herself (pg.528).

    The relationship men and women had in the 1800’s are completely different. In the 1800’s women had no rights and they were treated basically as maids in my opinion, Women were not educated and compelled to do housework and trained to be the perfect wife and mother. Women were responsible for taking care of the household cooking, cleaning and take care of the children. The freedom she achieves from the death of her husband is brings a new meaning to her life she is beginning to imagine the perfect life she wanted without her husband. The excitement she felt was so overwhelming that it was also became the cause of her death. She dies right there in front of him, the minute he comes home and she realizes that all of this would go away, and that her life would return to normal. The doctors said that she had died of “joy that kills,” (pg. 497) implying that Mrs. Mallard had been so happy to see her husband alive, that she died.

    In today’s society times have changed, women have rights and they have become more independent. Women are educated and they make their own choices, women are no longer treated as property of men and trapped inside their homes. Women have the right to seek divorce and have equal opportunity it is no longer a man’s world.Can someone please give me feed back on this short story analysis?
    You have to talk about how spring is symbolic and how when she looks outside her window what she sees makes her realize her freedom.

    Key moments in alice in wonderland?

    just wondering for your opinion on what you think are the key moments or most important parts in alice in wonderland. im illustrating the story for a project and want to cut it down.

    so this is what i have:

    * alice following w.rabbit down the hole

    * what alice sees as she falls

    * alice drinking the bottle 'drink me' then shrinking

    * alice grows large in the white rabbits house

    * alice talks to the caterpiller smoking the hookah

    * the duchess,cook, cat sneezing? (not sure)

    * baby turns into pig

    *cheshire cat on tree talk of madness and directions to the mad hatter/march hare

    *mad tea party

    * croquet with the queen of hearts

    * queen :''off with his head'' the cheshire cats floating head? (unsure of adding this scene)

    * in the court, LARGE alice accuses the queen of ''just being a pack of cards) then the cards all charge at her.

    * alice wakes up

    do you think i should add any other particular scenes?

    or take away any?Key moments in alice in wonderland?
    Yes, you should definately include the encounter with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. When they recite the 'Old Father William' poem, it is both classic and memorable!Key moments in alice in wonderland?
    Just as an FYI, it's called "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." :)

    Those are pretty good. What about the Walrus/Carpenter poem? Or the Father William poem?

    Definitely stick with her falling, the multiple times of her growing/shrinking, mad tea party, baby to pig, croquet, cards charging, waking up.

    Urgent need of the Answer?

    5. According to the functionalist view, which of the following is NOT one of the paramount functions performed by the family?

    A. Mediation

    B. Reproduction

    C. Regulation of sexual behavior

    D. Affection and companionship

    6. Which one of the following is fault of socialization find by conflict sociologists

    as function of family?

    A. Matriarchy

    B. Reproduction

    C. Patriarchy

    D. Capitalism

    7. Which one of the following is NOT a reason of declining family size?

    A. The rise in age at first marriage

    B. Decline in infant mortality

    C. Use of contraceptives

    D. Socialization of family

    8. Both males and females are physically capable of learning to cook and sew, yet most societies have determined that these tasks should be performed by women. This illustrates the operation of :

    A. Gender roles

    B. Sociobiology

    C. Homophobia

    D. Comparable worthUrgent need of the Answer?
    5 - d

    6 - d

    7 - c

    8 - a

    Could you correct my grammar , Please?

    On Tuesday/2/2011 at Starbucks downtown , I interviewed Mark Batmen for about 20 minutes . Batmen is briefly tell us how junk food effects our body . In the interview, we talked about Junk Food. I learned that Batmen believes that Junk food can destroy humanity.

    Batmen told me that Fast food is the worst food people have during day time . People eating fast food because we made a life -style needs a lot of work with less time for activities. People eat too much Fast food , and they don't cook healthy food . This habit can destroy a body because the human body needs fiber . In addition , he compares his life in Africa to his life in Canada , In Africa , people eat for longer time, and women are responsible to cook food that has enough nutritional that support her family . In Kenya, she did see any fast food restaurant while she was their , and people refuse to eat food is not home made . while people in Canada do not care about quality of food they are eating. People looking for food that they can eat it for two minutes .Furthermore, Fast-food can destroy relationship because families are not able to set and talk to each other that make families do not have time to talk and share. She believes that a lot of calories make brain work less effective . To illustrate , A person who eat too much fast food can destroy his /her life.Could you correct my grammar , Please?
    On Tuesday/2/2011 at Starbucks downtown , I interviewed Mark Batmen for about 20 minutes . Batmen briefly told us how junk food affects our body . In the interview, we talked about Junk Food. I learned that Batmen believed that Junk food could destroy humanity.
    Batmen told me that Fast food is the worst food people have during day time . People eating fast food because we made a life -style that needs a lot of work to be done with less time for activities. People eat too much Fast food , and they don't cook healthy food . This habit could destroy a body because the human body needs fiber . In addition , he compared his life in Africa to his life in Canada , In Africa , people spend more time on eating, and women are responsible to cook food that has enough nutrition that supports her family . In Kenya, he did not see any fast food restaurant while he was their , and found that people refuse to eat food which is not home made . while people in Canada do not care about quality of food they are eating. People go for food that they can eat up in two minutes .Furthermore, Fast-food can destroy relationship because families are not able to sit and talk to each other that make families not having time to talk and share. he believes that a lot of calories make brain work less effective . To conclude, A person who eat too much fast food could destroy his /her life.Could you correct my grammar , Please?
    On Tuesday 2nd 2011 at Starbucks downtown, I interviewed Mark Batmen for about 20 minutes. Batmen briefly tells us how junk food effects our body in the interview. I learned that Batmen believes that junk food can destroy humanity.聽Batmen told me that fast food is the worst food that people eat during the day time. People eat fast food because we have a life -style that needs a lot of work with less time for activities. People eat too much fast food and they don't cook healthy food. This habit can destroy a body because the human body needs fibre in their diet. In addition, he compares his life in Africa to his life in Canada. In Africa, people eat for a longer time and women are responsible to cook food that has enough nutrition that support her family. In Kenya, she didn't see any fast food restaurants while she was there and people refuse to eat food that is not home made while people in Canada do not care about quality of food they are eating. People look for food that they can eat for two minutes. Furthermore, fast-food can destroy relationships because families are not able to sit and talk to each other, fast food makes families not have time to talk and share. She believes that a lot of calories make brain work less effective. To illustrate, a person who eats too much fast food can destroy his/her life.Could you correct my grammar , Please?
    On Tuesday/2/2011 at Starbucks downtown, I interviewed Mark Batmen for about 20 minutes. Batmen is briefly telling us how junk food affects our body. In the interview, we talked about Junk Food. I learned that Batmen believes that Junk food can destroy humanity.

    Batmen told me that fast food is the worst food people have during day time. People are eating fast food because they made a lifestyle that needs a lot of work with less time for activities. People eat too much Fast food and they don't cook healthy food. This habit can destroy a body because the human body needs fiber. In addition, he compares his life in Africa to his life in Canada. In Africa, people eat for longer time and women are responsible to cook food that has enough nutrition that will support her families needs. In Kenya, she did not see any fast food restaurant while she was there and people refuse to eat food that is not home-made. Whilst people in Canada do not care about the quality of the food they are eating. People looking for food that they can eat in two minutes to save time. Furthermore, fast food can destroy a relationship because families are not able to sit and talk to each other, that means families do not have time to talk and share. She believes that a lot of calories make brain work less effective. To conclude, a person who eats too much fast food can destroy his /her life.
  • sebum
  • Soft boiling eggs: how do you get the perfect white so that it's not rubbery, but easily dissolvable?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm looking for alternative perspectives from several categories on yahoo answers on how to perfectly soft boil an egg. This morning I awoke to the most delectable, perfectly soft boiled eggs by my mother. Although I asked for her to recreate the eggs exactly as was done the first time, she was unable to do so. So, I'm wondering if someone here can illustrate through words how to perfectly soft boil an egg to these requisites:

    1)The egg white is in a semi-solid state, though is NOT rubbery, but will "dissolve" in the mouth.

    2)The egg yolk is cooked, but not dry and mealy.

    Most importantly, the egg white is cooked and will dissolve in the mouth, not retain its consistency when in the mouth. I absolutely detest eggs where the white is rubbery and when subjected to mouth tension/saliva is unbreakable, like the bonds tying it together are cemented.

    Thanks very much and I appreciate your responses,

    JenSoft boiling eggs: how do you get the perfect white so that it's not rubbery, but easily dissolvable?
    I think its all about timing. I normally let it boil for about 3:50 seconds t get the consistency I want.

    Roommate situation. What would you do?

    Ugh. I'm so annoyed with my current living situation. My fiance and I live with his best friend in a 3 bedroom house. It's always been somewhat of an issue - but as of recently, our roommate has been really slacking when it comes to sharing household chores. He'll occasionally (1x/week @ most) straighten the kitchen, but he will not wipe down counters, clean out fridge or sweep, ever ... I don't think I've ever seen him do these things actually. He won't even throw away trash from Taco Bell we bought him 3 days ago! We've talked to him probably 20 times about this over the last year, no joke. We tried talking to him about this most recently on Monday but he just got super defensive and said he felt he does more than his share and literally sat on the couch and watched us clean the house. At this point, my fiance and I decided it might be better to illustrate in the form of an email spefically where we thought he could help out more, and bottom line we felt he was being disrespectful by not helping out more and by watching us as we work around the house. Our resolve was that we all should clean up our own messes, cook our own food, and basically, only use our own possessions and he not use ours. We thought this would get the point across to him just how many ways we help him out - (for example EVERYTHING in the house except for what's in his bedroom and ONE pan in the kitchen is ours. Everything. He doesn't even own a car. My fiance lets him use his bike to get to and from work.) We thought this might waken him up a bit when he realizes he won't even be able to cook his own dinner without the help of what we've let him use of ours for the past 1.5 years! Instead, he writes back to us that this is all fine by him, and again that he feels he's doing more than enough around the house.

    He's so stubborn that instead of just helping us like we want and need, he is now walking to work and basically eating out of cans (since he doesn't even have dishes).

    Are we taking the wrong approach here? Is this all worth it? He's on the lease so it's not like we can just kick him out. He's going to be the best man in our wedding even! We don't want to lose a friend, but it's not fair to us to spend our days off cleaning the house while he sits on his computer any free minute he has. We would like to do nothing too, but refuse to live in filth! What would you do? ANY advice is appreciated!Roommate situation. What would you do?
    Oh my god! lol. just reading this is slightly making my blood boil! Since you have probably used the best nicest possible way to deal with him. You have to change tactics. Well you can't be mean cause like you said you don't want to lose a friend.

    Try dividing the chores into 3.

    1. vacumming the whole house

    2. washing dishes/kitchen work

    3. cleaning the windows/ garden work.

    Make it into a game, like every week, Whoever does the best job, gets a prize or something :)! It'll be pretty fun too if the prize is good! And whoever does the worst job is punished, by buying everyone lunch or something!

    Anyway, if you want your roommate to attend this game, you have to intelligently make him feel good about himself first. Like "sorry about before, but me and (your bf) hasn't seen you really do any work around here. To make it fair, I've thought of a 'system' that evenly distributes the work around the house...blahblah...yeah and whoever does the best work gets the PRIZE, and the loser has to treat the other 2 lunch (or whatever ele you can think of!" :D. you can send it through email to him, btu remember to use nice words to allow him to fall for..the trap xD.

    The punishment, if he accepts the system and doesn't do the work, acts like a swear jar. And after a period of time, hopefully he gets the msg if he doesn't move his butt, his wallet is going to be empty! :)

    Oh yeh if you want this system to be strict, and don't let him quit* you can say, whoever quits the system must give the other two $200 each =3 ~ if I* hear this, i won't quit the system~

    Good Luck and hopefully it works out for you.~
    Yes, you seem to be taking the wrong approach. show him the door.

    He can move in with his parents or someone who appreciates his mess.Roommate situation. What would you do?
    one word

    adjustRoommate situation. What would you do?
    YOU are SCREWED!!!!!

    #1 never sign a lease with a friend

    #2 if he pays his part of the rent, then he feels he can live how he wants, (and he is in-titled to do so if he pays his part of the rent)

    #3 if this upsets you, learn from it while you and your fiance are cleaning up after him. as i said before, if he is paying his part of the rent there is nothing you can do

    #4 this is how he is, get used to it, and do not resign that lease.
    Wow sounds exactly like my situation, everything is the same.....I dont know how to get it across either hun I try to be so nice and hang nice notes up like please help take out the trash....and the one day i cleaned the whole house and my roomate walked rite by me....The next approach is to be mean? Ughh I cant figure it out myself especially when nothing is getting doneeee!!!!!!!!! My roomate is mad at me because I yelled at her for letting a candle lit is this wrong????? ugh! She could have put our whole apt in flames or worse killed me because I was sleeping! But yea I believe its hard tlaking about things especially when they are good friends because they allllways get defensive! It sucks....
    okay. from what your saying he does nothing.

    ill do my best to help, or at least give you some feedback

    i think the cutting him off from everything is a bit childish, but that was understandable. i find it funny that he is so stubborn as to just walk to work and eat out of cans.

    i would probably suggest moving out, but since you all are on the lease and everything that might now work.

    maybe try getting him to list the things he thinks he does. look at the list, then ask him to name the last time he did whatever was on it. be sure to handle it in a calm, adult manor. do not have a blaming conversation.

    maybe it is for the best that you all clean up your own messes. that way he might do the stuff that is just his, and then you all do the rest.

    im sorry that you are in that situation, but I have never been in a situation like that. sorry i couldnt be of more help!
    Wow.. you got a seriously lazy roommate. Why dont you tell him that you agree he does stuff but that you and your fiance have thought about starting a list. In this list you can divide the chores between the three of you. Since he is lazy give him the easier chores... He will notice he has it easier and will agree with it. Have you guys make check marks when the chore is done. If he doesnt do the chores then you have proof to show him.

    Why would you not have FAITH?

    When illustrating Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is the assured

    expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration

    of realities though not beheld." a brother used the following

    in a talk:

    "Let's take...PIE...

    I have a favorite pie, and when I walk into the room, and

    SMELL that aroma, I think..... "There's a PIE


    Now, I look around the kitchen and I see apple peelings,

    bits of crust dough lying around, flour on the counter...I

    KNOW there's pie, and what KIND of pie it is. I've

    never seen it, but I know it's there...

    Then, there's a NOTE which says 'I know by now

    you've smelled the pie...and Yes, you may have some as

    soon as the timer rings". Now I KNOW that the pie is

    there, it's cooking, it's apple and it's for me...

    And I know all this without having ever SEEN the pie.

    The evidence of it's existence is all around me.

    And I KNOW I'll be eating pie soon.

    The same is true of faith.

    We have never seen Jehovah...but we've seen the

    EVIDENCE of Him in the natural world, in his people, in the

    accomplishments of his organization, in prayers being

    answered, prophesies being fulfilled, and more promised.

    We KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's real and

    working for our good.

    Then there's 'the NOTE'...the Bible, that puts into words

    the assurance of His love for us, and the promise of

    better things.

    We've never physically SEEN him or our future paradise,

    but we KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are

    REAL, because of the enormous amount evidence all around


    We KNOW it!

    Now we just have to wait for the 'timer to ring'."

    So, do YOU have Faith?Why would you not have FAITH?
    The Bible never says to just believe.

    As we see here in Hebrews 11:1, faith is based on something after carefully considering all the evidence. We should not have simply a 'blind faith', based on emotion and not reason.

    The Bible was written 1,000's of years ago, yet is completely practical and accurate. It speaks of the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:22), Jesus prophecy concerning Jerusalem's destruction was fulfilled over 30 years after he died, and the fossil record in in harmony with the order of creation found in Genesis.
    Nope. Why should I?

    There is no evidence that God exists.Why would you not have FAITH?
    No. I'm actually twice the atheist I was after hearing your ridiculous logic.Why would you not have FAITH?
    The fact you have the Tetragrammaton in your user name, and then refer to him as Jehovah, proves to me you have no clue what you're talking about.

    There is no hard-J sound in Hebrew. Yahweh would be just as wrong because there's no W sound in Hebrew either.

    Ooops for you.

    By the way, the things you claim are evidence, either aren't (the universe, life, prayers being "answered") or are false (prophecy).
    What if I don't take the bible as any sort of truth?
    Not true. You have external indicia that enables you to deduct the existence of the pie based upon your previous experience with seeing the same indicia relating to a pie. Unless you have had a previous experience in seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling God, your argument is fatally flawed.

    All you are going on is a Bronze-age fairy tale.
    the only difference is theres no aroma, or apple peelings, or crust bits, or note, or flour. so no, no i do not have faith, ironically there is a cherry pie baking in my oven right now.
    You're describing inductive reasoning, not faith.
    I have faith in a lot of things, just not in supernatural beings.
    You people continually say that there's evidence. So where the heck is it?

    You fail. And fail again.
    What a load of old bo*llocks.

    Maybe atheism just requires brains.

    No, dear, I don't share your "faith".
    That was entertaining.

    It doesn't convince me too 'have faith' though.

    I would not 'have faith' because ignorance isn't bliss.
    Hmm. My notes says, "Sorry about the mess. I had to bake a pie for a bake sale. Hope you don't mind. Perhaps you can find something in the icebox."
    I quite agree that he is there. yes some may say that the bible is false and that god doesn't exist but how many people that say these things actually take the time not to just read the bible but study it? If people took the time to be open minded and actually take into consideration what is being said and not just blow it off as a fairytale a lot of people would be a lot happier.
    She has a valid point!! We waste so much time getting caught up in how the Tetragrammaton was originally pronounced! We pronounce it the way its familiar in our language. Instead of criticizing her,some of you, especially if you claim to believe in God need to check yourselves!! And as for you atheists,the Bible itself teaches us in Psalms 14:1 that "only the fool says there is no Jehovah"!! Some of you obviously need to learn a lesson in manners!!
    All I have right now... is a pie!



    1. The Fossil Record...Evolutionists have constructed the Geologic Column in order to illustrate the supposed progression of "primitive" life forms to "more complex" systems we observe today. Yet, "since only a small percentage of the earth's surface obeys even a portion of the geologic column the claim of their having taken place to form a continuum of rock/life/time over the earth is therefore a fantastic and imaginative contrivance.1" "[T]he lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled."2 This supposed column is actually saturated with "polystrate fossils" (fossils extending from one geologic layer to another) that tie all the layers to one time-frame. "[T]o the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation." 3

    2. Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field... Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso, has published the definitive work in this field.4 Scientific observations since 1829 have shown that the earth's magnetic field has been measurably decaying at an exponential rate, demonstrating its half-life to be approximately 1,400 years. In practical application its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Under those conditions many of the atoms necessary for life processes could not form. These data demonstrate that earth's entire history is young, within a few thousand of years.

    3. The Global Flood... The Biblical record clearly describes a global Flood during Noah's day. Additionally, there are hundreds of Flood traditions handed down through cultures all over the world. 5 M.E. Clark and Henry Voss have demonstrated the scientific validity of such a Flood providing the sedimentary layering we see on every continent. 6 Secular scholars report very rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers..7 It is now possible to prove the historical reality of the Biblical Flood.8

    4. Population Statistics...World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. 9 The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.

    5. Radio Halos...Physicist Robert Gentry has reported isolated radio halos of polonuim-214 in crystalline granite. The half-life of this element is 0.000164 seconds! To record the existence of this element in such short time span, the granite must be in crystalline state instantaneously.10 This runs counter to evolutionary estimates of 300 million years for granite to form.

    6. Human Artifacts throughout the Geologic Column...Man-made artifacts - such as the hammer in Cretaceous rock, a human sandal print with trilobite in Cambrian rock, human footprints and a handprint in Cretaceous rock 鈥?point to the fact that all the supposed geologic periods actually occurred at the same time in the recent past.11

    7. Helium Content in Earth's Atmosphere... Physicist Melvin Cook, Nobel Prize medalist found that helium-4 enters our atmosphere from solar wind and radioactive decay of uranium. At present rates our atmosphere would accumulate current helium-4 amounts in less than 10,000 years.12

    8. Expansion of Space Fabric...Astronomical estimates of the distance to various galaxies gives conflicting data.13 The Biblical Record refers to the expansion of space by the Creator14. Astrophysicist Russell Humphries demonstrates that such space expansion would dilate time in distant space.15 This could explain a recent creation with great distances to the stars.

    9. Design in Living Systems...A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations. A minimal cell contains over 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations.16 The chance of this assemblage occurring by chance is 1 in 10 4,478,296 .17

    10. Design in the Human Brain...The human brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe.18 It contains over 100 billion cells, each with over 50,000 neuron connections to other brain cells.19 This structure receives over 100 million separate signals from the total human body every second. If we learned something new every second of our lives, it would take three million years to exhaust the capacity of the human brain. 20 In addition to conscious thought, people can actually reason, anticipate consequences, and devise plans - all without knowing they are doing so.21Evolution,?
    I enjoyed reading this but you just confused the crap out of the atheist, they'll say its a fairy tale or something.

    All of it makes sense and is very accurate but I feel that the earth flooded around 3000BC and Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden around 4000BC. Science proves the flood because of salt deposits found in the Great pyramid which was built by Seth the son of Adam.

    I do believe some people actually evolved here before God created Adam and Eve because Cain was in fear of the others when he was banished.
    Do you really think Im gonna read all that lolEvolution,?
    Jesus loves you.
    yup and whats your question
    I agree with you. To ignore the flaws in evolution is to ignore it is a Religion and nothing more.
    Wow, it must have took you a long time to study geography, physics, archaeology, chemistry, astronomy, and neurology all well enough to state that those fields of study are all entirely phony.
    Is this a true/false or a multiple choice question?
    Blah, blah, blah, just because you can copy information rom a book doesn't make ANY of it true. Think for yourself why dontcha!
    If you spent the time you spent cutting and pasting that phony science studing real science you would gain respect for that which you mock and don't understand.

    Ok let's deal with number 9.

    The chance of getting any particular bridge hand is one in millions. Does that mean that nobody has ever gotten a bridge hand before?

    What a wonderful God.鈥?/a>
    There a question in there somewhere?

    Looks like you lifted this straight off Answers in Genesis (now there's an oxymoron) or some other Liars for Jesus website.

    How about you ask a question in your own words, or try and explain any of the above 10 points in your own words? My prediction is that you can't, because you don't understand enough of the basic science, but think you can fool me by cutting and pasting the pseudoscientific claims of creationists.

    And tell me, why won't god heal amputees?
    Wow, 20 proofs that you don't understand the first thing about scientific techniques, dating, equilibrium chemistry, neurology, or information theory.

    Good job.

    Did you want your BS to read "BS in Idiocy" or "BS in Stupidity"?
    Do you believe everything Dr. Dino tells you? Including the part where he didn't cheat on his taxes? The IRS say differently. His science is just as shady as his accounting. DON'T BE GULLIBLE, think for yourself, its not hard, after all "God" gave you a brain - so why are you afraid to use it . . .?
    Wow! I can't believe are really an idiot! Just to let you know...ALL of what you stated as fact has been debunked years ago. Halos...ha give me a break.

    Seriously it really is sad that this same pseudo-science crap is stated as fact again and again.

    Anyone can find out that all of these "facts" are not taken seriously by 99.9% of the scientific community.

    Sorry, but you are 100% wrong all all points.
    Yep, but you can tell 'em until your blue in the face, it will do no good. Their god is evolution and they are hardened to that fact. No matter what truths are put in front of their face.
    So many lies, distortions and half truths in one post. Congratulations on your mastery of bronze age science!

    Before you get your skull drilled to release the demons, go back and retake 3rd grade sceince class wherein we learned that the Earth's magnetic field decays then reverses repeatedly. The earth's geologic record shows this field reversal has happened many times and will undoubtedly happen again many times.
    WTF? Are you looking for someone too join your cause or are you way bored? In either case you should know that your generation and subsequent generations will get to the root of the matter. Your generation questions everything and that is totally healthy for our species. We need to move away from traditional man made thoughts and progress into more evidence based philosophies even if our grandparents don't like it. Basically, there is a GREAT possibility of a

    'higher power" in the universe but at this point in time very few of us on this planet can fathom it because most still haven't accepted the fact that the world is round and not flat. Good Luck
    WTF? ok just the first 2. evolution is powered by selective mutation favoured by sexual reproduction. when there is a favourable mutation this spreads rapidly through sex. at all other times things can rest stable for long periods. this is called "punctuated equilibrium" look at sharks, they haven't changed for millions of years, no advantage in any mutations. know look at elephants; in the last 150 years we've hunted the s**t out of them and now whole breeding groups of elephants are being born and growing to maturity without tusks! a favourable mutation that is spreading through the elephant population!

    2.. as for the magnetic field, ALL geological data show that the feild reverses every 20,000 years or so... FACT! look it up! it's happening as i write!
    I'm very happy that you've learned how to copy and paste. The real question is do you understand what you've just "wrote".

    First of all do you have a link to any of this information to prove it?

    Such as, how can you prove the average rate of human population growth? I mean today you have a number of diseases cured and under control, an abundance of food in most parts of the world, better, healthier living conditions, extended life-spans, etc. so how does one calculate an "average" human population growth rate?

    If you post any links, let me know.
    Your arguments are so moronic as to be laughable but you forgot a very similar one. The Current Temperature outside is about 65 degrees Farenheit. Last July at this time it was 85 degrees Farenheit. Extrapolating Backwards we can see that in February the Temperature was 135 degrees, beyond which we could not have survived proving mankind is no more than 7 months old. This is the typical moronic creationist argument, take something which varies like the magnetic field. Assume it doesn't, then extrapolate and reach an absurdity.

    The fact in every case above there is a simple scientific explaination which you ignored proves you are not only an imbecile, but dishonest as well.

    Is your god more or less complex than an amoeba. If it is less complex it couldn't have created reality. If it is more complex then your 9th argument shows is is much too complex to exist.

    Thank you for proving god either doesn't exist or didn't create reality.
    Go to
    I don't know what you're trying to say, but I agree that evolution is a fact because, unlike creationism, there is so much factual and physical evidence supporting it. Vestigial features disprove intelligent design!
    Yea. well wrong again! Scientists have no reason to try to prove the existence of God, but neither do they have a reason to manufacture reasons why the Bible is wrong. You can find a few crackpot scientists that will support any and every crackpot theory.

    In the United States 97% of people have religous views of one kind or another, nevertheless the sciences stand firm because they are the most rational explanations that we have. Mainstream science has no agenda to include or exclude God from the universe but just because a few nuts are willing to reverse the process and start with a conclusion then look for

    statistics which tend to agree with the conclusions disregarding all the facts doesn't mean that we all need to be so single minded.

    If you are willing to stake your life on your belief, don't go to a physician when you get sick...just go to your's as simple as that...oh no . that's right...that would be testing God...guess you'll just have to rely on the medical profession which is built on facts discovered by people who could have been burned at the stake if people like you had gotten to them. Circular arguments and having it both truly are blessed.
    1. NO THIS IS COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIES. The geological column is based on the principle of superposition to start with.

    2. The earths magnetic field has decayed and flipped many times in the earths history. It's called paleomagnetism - look it up.

    3. hahahahahahahaha

    4. Ok so then the pyramids were build by 12 people, during the time of moses there were a grand total 726 people in the world, need I go on. What has the rate in recent times got to do with the rate in the past!! we have AGRICULTURE now to start with...

    5. Polonium forms from the decay of radon. Since radon is a gas, it can migrate through small cracks in the minerals. Also the physicist didn't really sample granite but calcite!!! - look it up, I did in a second, it' not hard.

    6. NO!! The hammer was encrusted with calcite which can happen in years or decades - it wasn't in the rock!!!

    7. Helium escapes the atmosphere ALL THE TIME - look it up %26lt;sigh%26gt;

    8. Oh it COULD be consistent with what the bible says COULD it... where exactly COULD the bible say this??

    9. Nobody knows what the most primitive cells looked like. All the cells around today are the product of BILLIONS of years of evolution. Self-replicating molecules need not be all that complex (Lee et al. 1996), and protein-building systems can also be simple (Ball 2001; Tamura and Schimmel 2001). - I can cut and past too!

    10. Complexity only indicates that something is difficult to understand, not that it is difficult to evolve. There are innumerable intermediate forms of brains between humans and brainless animals; gradual evolution of the brain presents no challenge.

    Congratulations, after 9 points about other branches of SCIENCE, you finally got to one about evolution!!!!

    Why don't you just have FAITH in your beliefs - isn't that supposed to be how it works - and stop your immoral peddling of deceptions about science.