Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why would you not have FAITH?

When illustrating Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is the assured

expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration

of realities though not beheld." a brother used the following

in a talk:

"Let's take...PIE...

I have a favorite pie, and when I walk into the room, and

SMELL that aroma, I think..... "There's a PIE


Now, I look around the kitchen and I see apple peelings,

bits of crust dough lying around, flour on the counter...I

KNOW there's pie, and what KIND of pie it is. I've

never seen it, but I know it's there...

Then, there's a NOTE which says 'I know by now

you've smelled the pie...and Yes, you may have some as

soon as the timer rings". Now I KNOW that the pie is

there, it's cooking, it's apple and it's for me...

And I know all this without having ever SEEN the pie.

The evidence of it's existence is all around me.

And I KNOW I'll be eating pie soon.

The same is true of faith.

We have never seen Jehovah...but we've seen the

EVIDENCE of Him in the natural world, in his people, in the

accomplishments of his organization, in prayers being

answered, prophesies being fulfilled, and more promised.

We KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's real and

working for our good.

Then there's 'the NOTE'...the Bible, that puts into words

the assurance of His love for us, and the promise of

better things.

We've never physically SEEN him or our future paradise,

but we KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are

REAL, because of the enormous amount evidence all around


We KNOW it!

Now we just have to wait for the 'timer to ring'."

So, do YOU have Faith?Why would you not have FAITH?
The Bible never says to just believe.

As we see here in Hebrews 11:1, faith is based on something after carefully considering all the evidence. We should not have simply a 'blind faith', based on emotion and not reason.

The Bible was written 1,000's of years ago, yet is completely practical and accurate. It speaks of the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:22), Jesus prophecy concerning Jerusalem's destruction was fulfilled over 30 years after he died, and the fossil record in in harmony with the order of creation found in Genesis.
Nope. Why should I?

There is no evidence that God exists.Why would you not have FAITH?
No. I'm actually twice the atheist I was after hearing your ridiculous logic.Why would you not have FAITH?
The fact you have the Tetragrammaton in your user name, and then refer to him as Jehovah, proves to me you have no clue what you're talking about.

There is no hard-J sound in Hebrew. Yahweh would be just as wrong because there's no W sound in Hebrew either.

Ooops for you.

By the way, the things you claim are evidence, either aren't (the universe, life, prayers being "answered") or are false (prophecy).
What if I don't take the bible as any sort of truth?
Not true. You have external indicia that enables you to deduct the existence of the pie based upon your previous experience with seeing the same indicia relating to a pie. Unless you have had a previous experience in seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling God, your argument is fatally flawed.

All you are going on is a Bronze-age fairy tale.
the only difference is theres no aroma, or apple peelings, or crust bits, or note, or flour. so no, no i do not have faith, ironically there is a cherry pie baking in my oven right now.
You're describing inductive reasoning, not faith.
I have faith in a lot of things, just not in supernatural beings.
You people continually say that there's evidence. So where the heck is it?

You fail. And fail again.
What a load of old bo*llocks.

Maybe atheism just requires brains.

No, dear, I don't share your "faith".
That was entertaining.

It doesn't convince me too 'have faith' though.

I would not 'have faith' because ignorance isn't bliss.
Hmm. My notes says, "Sorry about the mess. I had to bake a pie for a bake sale. Hope you don't mind. Perhaps you can find something in the icebox."
I quite agree that he is there. yes some may say that the bible is false and that god doesn't exist but how many people that say these things actually take the time not to just read the bible but study it? If people took the time to be open minded and actually take into consideration what is being said and not just blow it off as a fairytale a lot of people would be a lot happier.
She has a valid point!! We waste so much time getting caught up in how the Tetragrammaton was originally pronounced! We pronounce it the way its familiar in our language. Instead of criticizing her,some of you, especially if you claim to believe in God need to check yourselves!! And as for you atheists,the Bible itself teaches us in Psalms 14:1 that "only the fool says there is no Jehovah"!! Some of you obviously need to learn a lesson in manners!!
All I have right now... is a pie!

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