Friday, January 20, 2012

THE REAL PHYSICS behind 911? Please actually read this!?

Author Searches for Truth on Trade Center Collapse by Victor Thorn

What if you discovered that the government’s “official” explanation for the World Trade Center collapse on the morning of 9-11 was not exactly true? In addition, what if their “official” version of events could be disproven solely on the basis of physics, mathematical equations, scientific formulas, physical evidence, and expert testimony – without the use of a single “conspiracy theory”? Would your perspective on 9-11 be dramatically altered?

This is precisely what is illustrated in 9-11 on Trial, a book that shreds the government’s official story – and credibility – beyond repair. Did you know, for instance, that never before in the history of the world has a steel building collapsed due to fire? Yet on 9-11, three of them did just that in seven hours – with WTC 7 not even being hit by an airliner.

Furthermore, it takes a temperature of 2,795 degrees to melt construction grade steel, yet the highest temperature jet fuel can reach is 1,517 degrees. Plus, all the jet fuel burned off within two minutes of the towers being struck, while two independent studies proved that the fires within each tower never rose above 500-600 degrees. In fact, FEMA revealed in their final report that, “The heat produced by burning jet fuel does not by itself appear to have been sufficient to initiate the structural collapse.”

Also, the WTC towers were designed to withstand the impact from a Boeing 707 (similar to a Boeing 767), and each floor was designed to hold 2,600,000 pounds beyond its own weight. Likewise, the steel used in these structures was rated to hold five-times its normal load. MIT professor Thomas Eager admitted as much when declaring, “The impact of the airplanes would have been insignificant” in toppling the towers.

Also, how do we explain the pools of molten steel which were found bubbling 70 feet beneath the towers five weeks after 9-11? Incidentally, a temperature of 5,182 degrees is needed to transform steel into a liquefied state. Do you think fires that FEMA admitted “would have burned at, or below, temperatures typical in office fires” could have produced such extremes? Even NYFD audiotapes of firefighters who reached the South tower’s impact point reveal that they “judged the blazes to be manageable” and were easily extinguishable in less than an hour.

Even more interesting is the South Tower. Even though it experienced a less forceful hit than the North Tower and had smaller fires, it fell in only half the time of its counterpart (56 minutes). It takes five-times that long to cook a turkey! Plus, the South Tower’s cap, which initially tipped 23 degrees past vertical, suddenly reversed direction, then dropped vertically, defying Newton’s First Law of Motion.

Most incriminating, though, is the resistance-free speed (a mere 10 seconds) at which the towers collapsed. To put this matter into perspective, if you were standing atop the WTC towers, and at the precise moment when they began to fall you dropped a football over the side, you and the football would have hit the ground at nearly the exact same moment. In other words, 200,000 tons of steel, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, and all the walls, desks and floors provided no resistance whatsoever. Not only does such a collapse defy Galileo’s Law of Falling Bodies, it is physically impossible unless all resistance was removed via a controlled demolition.

Of course there’s more (seismographic data, the ridiculous pancake %26amp; truss-bolt theories, and the complete vaporization of nearly all the concrete into a fine microscopic dust), but I’ll close with this question: considering that 9-11 was the most traumatic event of the 21st century, if there was even a one-percent chance that the government’s official story was false, shouldn’t we do everything humanly possible to discover what the truth ultimately is? Because, if the search for truth and justice doesn’t matter to us in regard to 9-11, what does?THE REAL PHYSICS behind 911? Please actually read this!?
none so blind as those that refuse to see.some will claim this is a left wing nutjob conspiracy theory no matter how much proof is shown to them,most will refuse to even read it.
And that proves.....what?!?

Nothing but a bunch of jibberishTHE REAL PHYSICS behind 911? Please actually read this!?
Those who believe it is "jibberish" have no idea what you are talking about and do not want to know what you are talking about. Face it. The truth will come out sooner rather than later. Of course 911 was an inside job. From all sides.

and murder will out.

it always does.THE REAL PHYSICS behind 911? Please actually read this!?
I'm happy that you like your "PHYSICS." Isn't it amazing that only your theory of "PHYSICS" is the right one and all other "PHYSICS" are wrong? Simply amazing!
The only "physics" involved here are the ones that come in a box marked, "Exlax"
The individual making this claim stated that the towers feel at 'resistance-free speed'. Yet if you take a look at pictures and videos of the collapse, you'll see debris from the tower falling FASTER than the tower itself (or, from the location in the tower it was ejected from). This shows that the towers did not collapse 'resistance-free'.

If the author of the book has made such a basic error as above (and something so easy to check), then the remainder of his work should be regarded as equally poor.

So sarah b: You claimed that only 'Americans' believe the official story about 9/11... sorry, that is not true. I am Canadian, and while I do not support all of the actions of Bush and company, I am not foolish enough to believe 9/11 was an inside job. Furthermore, you will find peer reviewed articles about the collapse of the WTC 1%26amp;2 by authors in countries other than the U.S.
I understand your skepticism about 911. The truth is, there should have been criminal investigation with the evidence still on the ground when it happened. Since they were still looking for survivors, and considering the magnitude of the catastrophe, that wasn't done. The logic was only that terrorists did it by flying planes into the buildings. We saw it on television. End of story.

Of course, there were many other issues that should have been taken into account. At this point, what can anybody prove? Many knowledgeable people have asked for an independent study into the events of that day, but who is going to fund it without stronger evidence?

It is difficult to accept that our country has changed so much due to this event and still left questions in so many people's minds. There just isn't much point in anyone obsessing over it.
I think you will find that the only people that beleive the official Bush theory are americans, in the EU everybody knew from day one that it was rubbish.

I am afraid that it takes a tiny weeny little brain with a huge amount of prejudicial opinions to want to beleive an unbeleivebale story.

In essence America is at war.....but thy enemy is within america and it controls your banks, your armies, your universities and your goverment.

Good luck!

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